PMC News On-Line (Issue 07-07, June 13, 2007

PMC NEWS ON-LINE (Issue 07-07, June 13, 2007)



This is designed for electronic distribution to all DOT acquisition personnel.  Most of the information included will not be distributed in hard copy.

Please forward to other DOT acquisition personnel.

Check out our net site for the PMC News and other information at:


Items for Review


Procurement Management Council Meeting

Acquisition Memorandums Issued by OFPP

Protecting Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information

Emergency Acquisitions Guide



Procurement Management Council (PMC) Meeting


The next PMC meeting is scheduled for July 18, 2007, West Building Conference Room No. 4,   from 2:00pm until 3:30pm.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Delia Davis at (202) 366-4289 or via e-mail at


Acquisition Memorandums Issued by OFPP


For your review and preparation for the upcoming PMC meeting scheduled for July 18, 2007, the attached memoranda are transmitted.  The OFPP memoranda are on various acquisition topics evaluated by the Acquisition Advisory Panel, established under the Services Acquisition Reform Act (the “SARA panel”).  Some of the SARA panel’s recommendations have been included in the attached memos; the subjects are Strategic Sourcing, Enhancing Competition in Federal Acquisition, Use of Performance-Based Management Systems for Major Acquisition Programs, and Using Performance-Based Acquisition to Meet Program Needs-Performance Goals, Guidance, and Training.  As we assess the impact and influence these actions will have on our acquisition processes, your input is welcomed.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Denise P. Wright on (202) 366-4272 or via e-mail on .  



Protecting Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII)


The Chief Information Officer (CIO), Dan Mintz, issued on May 15, 2007 a Broadcast Message regarding Protecting Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information.  The purpose of the message is to remind all DOT employees and contractors of their requirement to protect all Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) wherever the information resides, whether in the government facility or accessed remotely.  Contracting Officer’s should ensure that contractors performing work under DOT contracts that contain FAR Clause 52.224-2, Privacy Act and/or TAR Clause, 1252.237-70 Qualifications of Contractor Employees, are informed of DOT SPII policy (DOT Information Technology and Information Assurance Policy Number 2006-022 (Revision I): Implementation of DOT’s Protection of Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information, dated October 11, 2006,  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Denise P. Wright on (202) 366-4272 or via e-mail at


Emergency Acquisitions Guide


Attached please find the link for the Emergency Acquisitions Guide released by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) to assist the acquisition workforce in preparing for an emergency.  This guide is a welcomed companion to existing DOT Emergency Contracting Guidance already posted under Tools for Procurement Professionals ( ).  As developed by the OFPP and the Chief Acquisition Officers Council’s working group on emergency contracting, the guide includes management and operational best practices developed in response to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, and other emergency situations.  Please use the guide as a resource and reference, in concert with existing guidance, for planning for contingency operations, anti-terrorism activities, and national emergencies.  The newly released Emergency Acquisitions Guide supersedes OFPP’s Emergency Procurement Flexibilities guide, issued May 2003 and will be posted along side DOT Emergency Contracting guidance.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cassandra Wells on (202) 366-4960 or via e-mail at


Emergency Acquisition Guide: