NOAA Logo, NOAA Satellites and Information, National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).

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Links to related web resources go to NOAA's Space Weather prediction Center Now DoD World Magnetic Model Home Links and descriptions of magnetic field models and software go to the Geomagnetic Data Home go to all data and information Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Go to the Space Physics Interactive Data Resource Geomagnetic Data online at NGDC

Geomagnetic Data On-line

Access to ground-based observations

  • Geomagnetic 1-minute through annual mean values from magnetic observatories world-wide on-line via SPIDR (Space Physics Interactive Data Resource)

Magnetic field models and software

Data available via FTP

Access to Marine Data

Access to Paleomagnetic Data

Access to Magnetic Indices

There are numerous indices of magnetic activity. The International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) offically recognizes magnetic indices aa, Am, Kp, Dst, and AE. More information about the IAGA indices is available from ISGI - International Services for Geomagnetic Indices (off-site).

More information about magnetic indices is available from:

Access to airborne data
