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ACTIVITIES PERMISSIBLE FOR A NATIONAL BANK, 2007 describes the activities that are authorized for a national bank as part of, or incidental to, the business of banking (cumulative).
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet] (PDF 864KB)

ANNUAL REPORT (OCC) sets forth the agency's accomplishments in supervision, regulation, risk analysis, and chartering in each fiscal year. It also describes management initiatives, financial management results, and OCC outreach to industry, community, and consumer organizations.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet]

ASSISTANCE FOR CUSTOMERS OF NATIONAL BANKS is a brochure that explains the function of the OCC's Customer Assistance Group and how to contact them. [Return to Publications List]  [Online Brochure] (PDF 576KB) A version in Spanish is available at (PDF 646KB)

BANK ACCOUNTING ADVISORY SERIES expresses the OCC's current views on accounting topics of interest to national banks.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet] (PDF 478KB)

BANK FAILURE: AN EVALUATION OF THE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO THE FAILURE OF NATIONAL BANKS was published in 1988 and is based on a study of banks from 1979 through 1987. Its purpose is to help examiners and bankers identify problem areas in banks that otherwise appear to be healthy.[Return to Publications List]   [Report] (PDF 2.6MB)

CHECK FRAUD: A GUIDE TO AVOIDING LOSSES describes common check fraud schemes and presents tactics banks can use to combat check fraud. [Return to Publications List]  [Online Guide] (PDF 833KB)

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER'S (CFO's) ANNUAL REPORT includes financial statements summarizing OCC's financial position as of year end and analysis. Also includes a bureau profile, a brief summary of the organizational structure, the OCC's mission, and priority objectives for the year.
[Return to Publications List]  [CFO's Annual Report] (PDF 718KB)

COMMON PRACTICES FOR COUNTRY RISK MANAGEMENT IN U.S. BANKS provides examiners and bankers with a better understanding of how U.S. banks measure, monitor, and control exposures to foreign countries.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet]

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: A PROFITABLE MARKET OPPORTUNITY contains information on community development lending and investing. Contributors include experts from financial industry, OCC and other federal agencies, national community development intermediaries, and others in the community development field.[Return to Publications List]

NATIONAL BANK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS 2001 DIRECTORY provides information on the 121 community development corporation (CDC) and community development project (CD project) investments made by 35 national banks during 2001. The directory includes appendixes containing the Part 24 regulation, a listing of OCC community and economic development publications, and the names and addresses of OCC's Community Reinvestment and Development Specialists. It also contains a discussion of Recent Trends and Innovations that provides an overview of investments made by banks during 2001 and discusses new community development opportunities. [Return to Publications List] [Online Guide] (PDF 1.3MB)

NATIONAL BANK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS 2000 DIRECTORY provides information on the 134 community development corporation (CDC) and community development project (CD project) investments made by 47 national banks during 2000. The directory includes appendixes containing the Part 24 regulation, a listing of OCC community and economic development publications, and the names and addresses of OCC's Community Reinvestment and Development Specialists. [Return to Publications List] [Online Guide] (PDF 1.7MB)

NATIONAL BANK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS 1999 DIRECTORY provides information on the 146 community development corporation (CDC) and community development project (CD project) investments made by national banks during 1999. The directory includes appendixes containing the Part 24 regulation, a listing of OCC community and economic development publications, and the names and addresses of OCC's Community Reinvestment and Development Specialists. [Return to Publications List] [Online Guide] (PDF 396KB)

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS PROGRAM FOR NATIONAL BANKS 1998 DIRECTORY provides information on the 200 community development corporation (CDC) and community development project (CD project) investments made by 83 national banks during 1998.[Return to Publications List] [Online Guide] (PDF 691KB)

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTS PROGRAM FOR NATIONAL BANKS 1997 DIRECTORY provides information on the 159 community development corporation (CDC) and community development project (CD project) investments made by national banks during 1997. The 88 national banks and their community partners supported 137 CD projects and CDCs, dedicated to helping the communities in which the participating national banks operate. [Return to Publications List] [Online Guide] (PDF 386KB)

THE COMPTROLLER AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICAN BANKING, 1960--1990, by Eugene N. White, is a history of the OCC from 1960 to 1990. It describes the changes that took place in the banking industry and national bank regulation and examines their historical context. The book includes an index, a bibliography, and statistical data on national bank and OCC operations and finances for the 30-year period. [Return to Publications List]

COMPTROLLER'S HANDBOOK contains policies and procedures for the examination of the commercial activities of national banks. Beginning in 1994, all additions to the Comptroller's Handbook were published in booklet form. [Booklets[Return to Publications List]

COMPTROLLER'S HANDBOOK FOR COMPLIANCE contains all of the procedures used in examining national banks for compliance. The handbook is a supervisory tool for examiners performing compliance examinations and a self-assessment tool for bankers analyzing bank compliance systems. [Booklets[Return to Publications List]

COMPTROLLER'S HANDBOOK FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT presents policies and procedures for the examination of the asset management activities of national banks. The book is designed to assist the examiner in planning and conducting an examination. It also assists the examiner in preparing examination reports of national bank trust departments, as well as subsidiaries and affiliates of national banks and their holding companies that engage in asset management activities. [Booklets[Return to Publications List]

COMPTROLLER'S LICENSING MANUAL  consists of a series of booklets. The booklets explain the OCC policies and procedures to form a new national bank, for existing institutions to enter the national banking system, for individuals to acquire control of a national bank, and for national banks to effect structural changes and expand activities.
[Booklets] [Return to Publications List]

DEPOSIT INSURANCE REFORM AND THE COST OF BANK SUPERVISION is former Comptroller John D. Hawke's call for rational pricing of the banking system's deposit insurance, including an end to national banks' subsidization of state-chartered banks' federal supervision.
[Online Address]    [Return to Publications List]

DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS: THERE'S A CRITICAL DIFFERENCE is a brochure designed to alert bank customers that mutual funds are not insured by the FDIC. It explains in plain English the critical difference between insured deposits and mutual funds, annuities, or other investments.
[Brochure]    [Return to Publications List]

DETECTING RED FLAGS IN BOARD REPORTS--A GUIDE FOR DIRECTORS, written primarily for national bank directors, describes information generally found in board reports, and it highlights "red flags"-- ratios or trends that may signal existing or potential problems.
[Brochure] (PDF 1MB)   [Return to Publications List]

THE DIRECTOR'S BOOK provides general guidance to directors of national banks. It outlines the responsibilities of the board, highlighting areas of particular concern, and addresses in broad terms the duties and liabilities of the individual director.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online] (PDF 274KB)

ECONOMICS WORKING PAPERS are written by OCC economists and examine economic issues pertinent to national banks. The papers represent the opinions of the individual economists rather than the OCC. [Return to Publications List]   [Online Set]

E FILES - THE OCC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY is a CD that gives national bankers access to OCC publications, forms, and other materials available on the OCC's Web site. [Return to Publications List]

EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FINANCE/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE GUIDE is a two-volume set that provides information on practices that have helped selected national banks engage in community development finance, as well as a listing of approximately 145 resources to assist bankers and their community partners in obtaining information about community development programs and tools.
[Return to Publications List]   [Effective Strategies] (PDF 2.6MB)   [Resource Guide] (PDF 948KB)

EQUAL HOUSING LENDER is a poster informing the public that the bank complies with federal fair lending laws. It tells the public where to send complaints if they believe they've been discriminated against. [Return to Publications List]

AN EXAMINER'S GUIDE TO PROBLEM BANK IDENTIFICATION, REHABILITATION, AND RESOLUTION  The OCC is committed to bank supervision policies and procedures that support prompt detection and mitigation of problems before they affect a bank's viability. In the event a bank's condition is so severe that it is no longer viable, the OCC will collaborate with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and other regulators to achieve a timely final resolution in a manner that will result in the least cost to the deposit insurance fund. This booklet provides guidance toward those objectives and is intended primarily as a reference tool for OCC field examiners.
[Return to Publications List]  [Booklet] (PDF 672KB)

THE FFIEC AUDIT BOOKLET is guidance for bankers and examiners on how a bank maintains an effective risk-based IT audit program.[Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC BANK SECRECY ACT/ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING EXAMINATION MANUAL does not set new standards; it is a compilation of existing regulatory requirements, supervisory expectations, and sound practices.
[Return to Publications List]

THE FFIEC BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING BOOKLET helps banks to plan their responses to such adverse events as natural disasters, technological failures, human error, and terrorism.[Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS BOOKLET helps banks to manage the risks of developing and acquiring information technology.[Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC E-BANKING BOOKLET addresses business and technology issues related to electronic banking.[Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC FEDLINE BOOKLET addresses security and control expectations for the Federal Reserve Banks' Fedline, which affords community banks access to wire transfer services.[Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC INFORMATION SECURITY BOOKLET helps examiners and financial institutions to identify information security risks and to evaluate the adequacy of related controls and risk management practices. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

The FFIEC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXAMINATION HANDBOOK helps examiners and financial institutions to identify the risks of bank technology and to evaluate the adequacy of related controls and risk management practices. When completed, it will replace the 1996 FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook. [Return to Publications List] [FFIEC IT Handbook Infobase (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC MANAGEMENT BOOKLET helps banks to manage the risks of information technology, and it helps examiners to evaluate a bank's risk management of information technology. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC OPERATIONS BOOKLET helps banks to manage the risks of using technology to process and store information. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC OUTSERVICING TECHNOLOGY SERVICES BOOKLET helps banks to manage the risks of using external service providers to meet a variety of technology-related needs.  [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC RETAIL PAYMENT SYSTEMS BOOKLET addresses the risks presented by consumers' purchases of goods and services, their payments of bills, their payments to other consumers, and their cash withdrawals from automatic teller machines. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC SUPERVISION OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICE PROVIDERS BOOKLET helps banks to manage the risks of outsourcing technology services. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

THE FFIEC WHOLESALE PAYMENT SYSTEMS BOOKLET provides guidance to examiners and financial institution management on how to manage the risks of originating and transmitting large-value payments. [Return to Publications List] [Online booklet (FFIEC Web site)]

GUIDE TO THE INTERAGENCY COUNTRY EXPOSURE REVIEW COMMITTEE PROCESS outlines the purposes, makeup, and methods of the committee that assesses the cross-border and cross-currency risks of U.S. banks.
[Return to Publications List] [Online Booklet]

A GUIDE TO HMDA REPORTING, GETTING IT RIGHT! is an aid to preparing the Home Mortgage Compliance Act report. It includes checklists, a glossary, addresses for supervisory agencies and the Bureau of Census, and a listing of geographic codes needed for reporting.
[Return to Publications List] [Online Guide (FFIEC Web site)]

A GUIDE TO MORTGAGE LENDING IN INDIAN COUNTRY provides banks with an introduction to issues frequently encountered when making mortgage loans to Native Americans. It includes background about legal issues, highlights steps in the lending process unique to Indian country, describes government loan guarantee and secondary market programs, and lists regional offices of relevant organizations and government agencies.
[Return to Publications List]   [Online Guide]

A GUIDE TO THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM provides an overview of the national banking system, the regulation of national banks, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
[Return to Publications List]   [Online Guide] (PDF 630KB)

A GUIDE TO TRIBAL OWNERSHIP OF A NATIONAL BANK is intended to assist federally recognized Indian tribes in exploring entry into the national banking system by establishing or acquiring control of a national bank.
[Return to Publications List]   [Online Guide] (PDF 752KB)

THE HOME MORTGAGE DISCLOSURE ACT NOTICE must be posted in the lobby of a bank's home office and in the lobby of each branch office in a metropolitan area. These postings are required by Regulation C.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Guide (FFIEC Web Site)]

INTERNAL CONTROLSA GUIDE FOR DIRECTORS helps directors and management evaluate their bank's internal control systems.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet]

INTERPRETATIONS AND ACTIONS includes legal staff interpretations, trust interpretative letters, securities letters, and bank accounting advisory series, which represent the informal views of the Comptroller's staff concerning the applications of banking law to contemplated activities or transactions. The publication also announces final enforcement actions against national banks and public evaluation and final decisions under the Community Reinvestment Act.
[Return to Publications List]  [Electronic Interpretations and Actions]

MONEY LAUNDERING: A BANKER'S GUIDE TO AVOIDING PROBLEMS, which updates a 1993 publication, discusses how bankers can identify and manage the risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing. The revision was prompted by the growing sophistication of money launderers, a growing international response to money laundering, changes to anti-money laundering laws, and recent anti-terrorist financing legislation.
[Return to Publications List]  [Booklet] (PDF 838KB)

NATIONAL BANKS AND THE DUAL BANKING SYSTEM explains the OCC's role in preserving the dual banking system by preserving the essential features of the national bank charter.[Return to Publications List]  [Booklet] (PDF 389KB)

NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO EXCEL discusses some activities undertaken by small national banks that demonstrate exemplary performance under the Community Reinvestment Act. [Return to Publications List]    [Online]

OCC PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 takes the place of the Chief Financial Officer's Annual Report. It includes management's discussion and analysis, financial discussion and analysis, the independent auditor's report, and financial statements and notes.
[Return to Publications List]

OCC BULLETINS provide information of continuing concern on OCC or OCC-supported policies and guidelines, and inform readers of pending regulatory changes and other general information. [Return to Publications List]   [Online Set]

ON SOLID GROUND VIDEO is a 21-minute history of the OCC featuring rare archival footage, interviews with former Comptrollers, and a message from Comptroller John D. Hawke Jr. [Return to Publications List]  

A POCKET GUIDE TO DETECTING RED FLAGS IN BOARD REPORTS is a shorter version of Detecting Red Flags in Board Reports.
[Brochure] (PDF 263KB)   [Return to Publications List]

PROVIDING FINANCIAL SERVICES TO NATIVE AMERICANS IN INDIAN COUNTRY is a study of how some banks have effectively offered products and services to Native Americans living in Indian Country.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online Booklet] (PDF 1.6MB)  

QUARTERLY JOURNAL is the journal of record for significant actions and policies of the OCC. It is published four times a year based on data released in March, June, September, and December. The Quarterly Journal is first available on the Web at and then, by subscription, on the CD-ROM Quarterly Journal Library, a cumulative collection starting with volume 17. The Quarterly Journal includes the press briefing on the condition and performance of commercial banks, statistical tables on the performance of FDIC-insured banks and OCC data bank corporate structure, policy statements, decisions on banking structure, appeals to the ombudsman, links to selected speeches and congressional testimony and interpretive letters, summaries of enforcement actions, and other information of interest in the administration of national banks. [Return to Publications List]  [Online]

REPORT OF THE OMBUDSMAN, 2005-2006, includes descriptions of the appeals process, the Customer Assistance Group, and the results of the examination questionnaires. It also contains statistics on appeals activity and all of the appeal summaries.
[Return to Publications List]  [Report of the Ombudsman]

SIGNIFICANT LEGAL, LICENSING, AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PRECEDENTS FOR NATIONAL BANKS: 2006 is an annual compilation of the important precedents set by OCC interpretive letters, corporate decisions, approvals, and other documents.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online] (PDF 410KB)

The SINGLE-FAMILY AFFORDABLE HOUSING MARKET: TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS The Single-Family Affordable Housing Market: Trends and Innovations captures the presentations given at the July 1997 Affordable Housing Symposium sponsored by the OCC. Topics include the state of the affordable mortgage lending market, affordable mortgage underwriting standards, risk management, risk mitigation strategies, and the future of this segment of the housing industry.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online] (PDF 227KB)

SMALL BUSINESS BANKING ISSUES discusses programs and strategies that small businesses can use to obtain loans from national banks. The booklet summarizes an OCC-sponsored forum on the topic in February 1998.
[Return to Publications List]  [Online] (PDF 322KB)

SURVEY OF CREDIT UNDERWRITING PRACTICES (ANNUAL) The OCC's annual survey of credit underwriting practices identifies trends in credit risk within the national banking system. The questionnaire-based survey addresses changes in lending standards and credit practices since the previous survey for the most common types of commercial and retail credit offered by national banks. [Return to Publications List]

USER'S GUIDE FOR THE UNIFORM BANK PERFORMANCE REPORT The Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) is an analytical tool created for bank supervisory, examination, and management purposes. In a concise format, it shows the impact of management decisions and economic conditions on a bank's performance and balance-sheet composition. The performance and composition data contained in the report can be used as an aid in evaluating the adequacy of earnings, liquidity, capital, asset and liability management, and growth management.[Return to Publications List] [Online Guide (FFIEC Web site)]


OCC ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD (APY) PROGRAM is a microcomputer-based DOS program that calculates or verifies annual percentage yields for deposit account disclosures and advertising and for periodic statements. Instructions for using the program are on the program's HELP screens. [Download APY] [Return to Publications List]

OCC ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APRWIN) PROGRAM is a microcomputer-based Windows program that calculates annual percentage rates (APRs). Instructions for using the program are on the program's HELP screens. [Download APR] [Return to Publications List]

RISK-BASED CAPITAL MODEL FOR BANKERS helps bankers complete call report Schedule RC-R. It uses information provided on call report schedules and additional items not on call reports that affect the risk-based capital calculation. The model provides reports displaying Schedule RC-R amounts and capital limits. This version of the model incorporates changes to the March 31, 2004 call reports. [Download Risk-Based Capital Model]  [Return to Publications List]

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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was created by Congress to charter national banks, to oversee a nationwide system of banking institutions, and to assure that national banks are safe and sound, competitive and profitable, and capable of serving in the best possible manner the banking needs of their customers.

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