Proposal Review Panels

  1. Charge
    Responsible for rating new general user proposals for scientific or technical merit and innovation. Also review an amount of beam time for which a proposal may be allocated.

    Reports to Head of User Administration, Kathleen Nasta.

  2. Membership
    Membership List Affiliation Term Expires
    IR / UV / Soft X-ray Spectroscopy: Chemical Sciences / Soft Matter / Biophysics
    Daniel Fischer National Institute of Standards & Technology 7/4/2009
    Jan Genzer North Carolina State University 1/26/2009
    Robert Lodder University of Kentucky 2/9/2009
    Gary Mitchell Other 2/9/2009
    IR / UV / Soft X-ray Spectroscopy: Magnetism / Strongly Correlated Electrons / Surface
    Robert Bartynski Rutgers University 7/8/2009
    Di-Jing Huang Synchrotron Radiation Research Center 6/17/2009
    Jeffrey Keister SFA, Inc. 7/16/2009
    Alexander Moewes University of Saskatchewan 6/11/2010
    David Mullins Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1/11/2009
    Boris Sinkovic University of Connecticut 10/31/2009
    Jiufeng Tu City University of New York (CUNY) 10/31/2009
    Tonica Valla Brookhaven National Laboratory 6/17/2010
    Imaging and Microprobes: Biological and Medical
    Leroy Chapman University of Saskatchewan 6/21/2009
    Paul Dumas Soleil Synchrotron 7/7/2010
    Kathleen Gough University of Manitoba 10/31/2009
    Barry Lai Argonne National Laboratory 7/19/2009
    Carolyn Larabell Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 7/23/2009
    Irit Sagi Weizmann Institute of Science 6/15/2009
    Franz Vogt Argonne National Laboratory 7/16/2009
    Imaging and Microprobes: Chemical and Material Sciences
    Harald Ade North Carolina State University 7/15/2009
    David Black National Institute of Standards & Technology 3/7/2009
    Paul Evans University of Wisconsin 7/12/2009
    Ismail Noyan Columbia University 7/12/2009
    Nobumichi Tamura Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 6/17/2009
    Imaging and Microprobes: Environmental and Geosciences
    Don Baker McGill University 1/30/2010
    David Black National Institute of Standards & Technology 3/7/2009
    George Flynn SUNY @ Plattsburgh 9/20/2009
    Matthew Ginder-Vogel University of Delaware 2/8/2009
    Keith Jones Brookhaven National Laboratory 7/9/2009
    Mark Rivers University of Chicago 2/9/2009
    Donald Ross University of Vermont 2/13/2009
    Macromolecular Crystallography
    Alex Bohm Tufts University 7/13/2009
    Ashley Deacon Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab 4/22/2010
    Xiangpeng Kong New York University 7/12/2009
    Nicolas Nassar SUNY @ Stony Brook 7/12/2009
    Brenda Schulman St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 7/16/2010
    Hao Wu Cornell University 7/13/2009
    Methods and Instrumentation
    Leroy Chapman University of Saskatchewan 1/30/2009
    Kenneth Finkelstein Cornell University 1/21/2009
    Jeffrey Keister SFA, Inc. 7/16/2009
    Ralf Hendrik Menk Sincrotrone Trieste 1/12/2009
    Peter Takacs Brookhaven National Laboratory 7/18/2009
    Powder / Single Crystal Crystallography
    Andrew Campbell University of Maryland 11/30/2009
    Thomas Duffy Princeton University 7/9/2009
    Andrew Fitch European Synchrotron Radiation Facility 6/23/2010
    Volker Kahlenberg SUNY @ Stony Brook 7/8/2010
    Stefan Kycia University of Guelph 2/6/2010
    James Martin North Carolina State University 7/12/2009
    Wendy Panero Ohio State University 11/4/2009
    X-ray Scattering: Magnetism / Strongly Correlated Electrons / Surface
    Peter Abbamonte University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign 6/9/2010
    Kenneth Finkelstein Cornell University 7/21/2009
    Peter Hatton University of Durham 6/17/2010
    Karl Ludwig Boston University 1/28/2010
    Christopher Marrows University of Leeds 6/9/2010
    George Srajer Argonne National Laboratory 1/12/2009
    Trevor Tyson New Jersey Institute of Technology 6/10/2010
    Gerrit Van Der Laan Diamond Light Source 6/10/2010
    X-ray Scattering: Soft Matter and Biophysics
    Masafumi Fukuto Brookhaven National Laboratory 2/16/2009
    Randall Headrick University of Vermont 6/21/2009
    Benjamin Hsiao SUNY @ Stony Brook 7/26/2009
    Huey Huang Rice University 1/12/2009
    Helvin Rafailovich SUNY @ Stony Brook 1/13/2009
    Thomas Russell University of Massachusetts 9/20/2009
    Detleff-Matthias Smilgies Cornell University 1/26/2009
    Lei Zhu University of Connecticut 4/5/2009
    X-ray Spectroscopy: Biological, Environmental and Geosciences
    Suzanne Beauchemin Natural Resources Canada 2/9/2009
    Martine Duff Westinghouse Savannah River Co. 2/4/2010
    Graham George University of Saskatchewan 4/18/2010
    Douglas Hunter Westinghouse Savannah River Co. 1/9/2010
    Satish Myneni Princeton University 7/14/2009
    Matthew Newville University of Chicago 7/13/2009
    X-ray Spectroscopy: Chemical and Material Sciences
    Simon Bare UOP 2/2/2009
    Scott Calvin Sarah Lawrence College 7/12/2009
    Anatoly Frenkel Yeshiva University 1/4/2009
    Steve Heald Argonne National Laboratory 6/22/2009
    Bruce Ravel National Institute of Standards & Technology 7/13/2009
    Jean-Pascal Rueff Synchrotron SOLEIL 6/22/2009
    Trevor Tyson New Jersey Institute of Technology 7/19/2009