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RFE Page 2 - Hazard, Market, Geographic and Nomenclature Information for Common Thresher Shark (Shark, Thresher; Alopias vulpinus)

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Nomenclature Table

RFE LinkFDA - SL Market Name
FDA - SL Common Name
FDA - SL Scientific Name
RFE 2 Letter Code
RFE 8 Letter Code
FDA - SL Vernacular NamesAFS Common Name
AFS Scientific Name
AFS Other Names
AFS Synonyms
FAO Scientific Name
FAO Species Code
FAO Common Name English
FAO Common Name French
FAO Common Name Spanish
FAO Synonyms

Common Thresher SharkFDA-SL Market Name: Shark, Thresher
FDA-SL Common Name: Common Thresher Shark
FDA-SL Sci. Name: Alopias vulpinus
FDA RFE WWW 2 Letter code: ct
FDA RFE 8 Letter code: alopvulp
Vernac. 1) Fox Shark
Vernac. 2) Sea Fox
Vernac. 3) Swingletail
Vernac. 4) Whiptail Shark
Vernac. 5) Thintail Shark

AFS Common Name: Thresher Shark
AFS Sci. Name: Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre, 1788)
AFS Other Names:   N.A.

AFS Synonyms:   N.A.
FAO Sci. Name: Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre, 1788)
FAO Species Code: ALOP Alop 2
FAO Common English: Thresher Shark
FAO Common French: Renard
FAO Common Spanish: Zorro
FAO Sci. Name with Ref.: Squalus vulpinus Bonnaterre, 1788,
Tabl.Encyclop.Method., Trois.Reg.Nat., Ichthyol., Paris, 9.
Holotype: Unknown.
Type Locality: Mediterranean Sea.

FAO Synonyms: Squalus vulpes Gmelin, 1789;
Alopias macrourus Rafinesque, 1810;
Galeus vulpecula Rafinesque, 1810;
Squalus alopecias Gronow in Gray, 1854;
Alopecias barrae Perez Canto, 1886;
Alopecias chilensis Philippi, 1901;
Alopecias longimana Philippi, 1901;
Vulpecula marina Garman, 1913;
Alopias caudatus Philipps, 1932;
Alopias greyi Whitley, 1937.

Geographic Distribution Table

ThumbnailSeafood List (Common, Genus/Species, Market)Occurence (AFS)Occurence (FAO)

Fillet ImageCommon Thresher Shark
Alopias vulpinus
Shark, Thresher
A-PWestern Atlantic: Newfoundland to Cuba, Gulf of Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil to Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: Norway and British Isles to Mediterannean, Morocco, Ghana and Ivory Coast; also Cape Province, S. Africa. Indo-West Pacific: S. Africa, Tanzania, Somalia, Maldives, Chagos, Archipelago, Gulf of Aden, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Japan, Republic of Korea, China, Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia), New Zealand, New Caledonia. Central Pac.: Society Isles, Fanning Isles, Hawaiian Isles. Eastern Pacific: British Columbia to central Baja California, Panama, Chile.

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Last updated on 2003-FEB-27 by bjt/frf/nln