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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Assistant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs Donald H. Kent Jr.

Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Donald H. Kent, Jr. onLoad=

Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs: Donald H. Kent, Jr.

Donald H. Kent, Jr. was appointed as Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security December 11, 2006.  Mr. Kent first joined the Department in January 2004 in the Office of Legislative Affairs as the Deputy Assistant Secretary.

Mr. Kent started his career on Capitol Hill over 10 years ago working in a variety of positions including policy advisor, and transportation policy director for the Assistant Majority Leader, Senator Don Nickels.  Mr. Kent also worked for Representative Frank Lucas (OK). 

While working for Senator Nickles, Mr. Kent contributed to a number of Homeland Security issues including the Homeland Security Act of 2003, the reauthorization of FEMA, aviation security, Coast Guard, and surface transportation. 

Mr. Kent has also volunteered for several campaigns including President Bush/Cheney in 2004, Senator Graham in 2002, Senator Nickles in 1998 and for the Dole/Kemp campaign in 1994.

A native Virginian, Mr. Kent graduated from Roanoke University in 1995 with a double major in criminal justice and sociology. 

This page was last modified on February 27, 2008