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Conference Details

About the Conference

With the semiconductor industry moving beyond standard silicon and further into nanoelectronics, the introduction of new materials and novel devices using innovative processing and assembly brings formidable metrology challenges. We are in an era where nanotechnology is driving us toward ever smaller, faster, cheaper, and more complex devices. Innovative metrology and characterization methods are required.

The 2009 International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics is the seventh in a series that began in 1995. It emphasizes the frontiers and innovation in characterization and metrology of nanoelectronics. The proceedings for all six previous conferences were published as hardcover volumes by the American Institute of Physics, New York. The most recent proceedings, Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics: 2007, was published in September 2007.

Purpose and Goals

We bring together scientists and engineers interested in all aspects of the characterization technology needed for nanoelectronic materials and device research, development, and manufacturing. All approaches are welcome: chemical, physical, electrical, optical, in-situ, and real-time control and monitoring. The conference summarizes major issues and provides critical reviews of important semiconductor techniques needed as the semiconductor industry moves to silicon nanoelectronics and beyond.

The conference will consist of formal invited presentation sessions and poster sessions for contributed papers. The poster papers should cover new developments in characterization and metrology especially at the nanoscale.

Conference Location

College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, University at Albany, Albany, New York

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Date created: 7/5/2005
Last updated: 3/7/2008