| Resources for Researchers - BECON: The Bioengineering Consortium
BECON is the focus of bioengineering activities at the NIH. The Consortium consists of senior-level representatives from all of the NIH Institutes, Centers, and Divisions, plus representatives from other federal agencies concerned with biomedical research and development.
- Bioengineering and Information Science Technology Initiative
The focus of biomedical computing activities at the NIH is the BISTI Consortium (BISTIC), which consists of senior-level representatives from each NIH Institute and Center, plus representatives from other federal agencies concerned with biocomputing. The BISTI site includes information about BISTI symposia and funding opportunities in bioinformatics.
- Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders (University of Maryland, Baltimore)
The objective of this human tissue repository is to systematically collect, store, and distribute brain and other tissues for research dedicated to the improved understanding, care and treatment of individuals with developmental disorders.
- Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders (University of Miami)
The objective of this human tissue repository is to systematically collect, store, and distribute brain and other tissues for research dedicated to the improved understanding, care and treatment of individuals with developmental disorders.
- Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR)
The Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) is a centralized facility that provides genotyping and statistical genetics services for investigators seeking to identify genes that contribute to human disease.
- Center for Research in Reproduction Ligand Assay and Analysis Core
This Core at the University of Virginia employs state-of-the-art methods to quantitate peptide and steroid reproductive hormones in blood and tissue. It also develops new methodology, prepares labeled reagents for immunoassays, immunocytochemistry and binding studies and assists in the transfer of technology to participating investigators.
- Cochrane Neonatal Collaborative Reviews
An effort to relay technical and research information to health care providers, researchers, and interested publics. These reviews provide efficient access to current evidence in neonatology and help to reduce the gap between the time when a treatment's effectiveness and safety is established in research and its routine use by health care providers.
- Cytogenetic Models Resource
The Jackson Laboratory Cytogenetic Models Resource maintains and distributes chromosome aberration stocks that provide primarily mouse models for Down syndrome.
- Deltagen and Lexicon Knockout Mice and Phenotypic Data Resource
The NIH has contracted with Deltagen Inc., and Lexicon Genetics Inc., to provide the agency and its scientific partners with access to 251 lines of knockout mice that have been extensively characterized.
- Endometrium Database Resource (EDR )
The goal of the EDR is to serve as an evolving Bioinformatics Resource on genes associated with the uterus.
- Interagency Coordinating Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (ICCFAS )
The objectives of the ICCFAS are to exchange information and to coordinate federal strategies and programs in an effort to more effectively address FAS/ARND on a national level. The Committee promotes and facilitates the development of projects within member organizations and collaborative projects and cooperative programs between member agencies.
- International HapMap Project
The elucidation of the entire human genome has made possible this current effort to develop a haplotype map of the human genome. The haplotype map, or "HapMap," will be a tool that will allow researchers to find genes and genetic variations that affect health and disease.
- Inventory and Evaluation of Clinical Research Networks (IECRN)
The Web site provides an online catalog and profiles of existing clinical research networks to promote collaboration between networks and to facilitate identification of networks for clinical studies.
- Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP )
KOMP is a trans-NIH initiative that aims to generate a comprehensive and public resource comprised of mice containing a null mutation in every gene in the mouse genome.
- Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC)
The MGC provides full-length, open reading frame clones for human and mouse genes, which are available for distribution to the scientific community.
- Mammalian Reproductive Gene Database
Provides information regarding genes and literature related to mammalian reproduction.
- Model Organisms for Biomedical Research
- National Gene Vector Laboratories (NGVL)
The NGVL are composed of an interactive group of academic production and pharm/tox labs whose primary goal is to provide clinical grade vectors for phase I/II gene therapy clinical trials and to provide support for relevant pharmacology/toxicology data leading up to clinical gene transfer protocols.
- Neural Tube Defects Resource
The Jackson Laboratory Neural Tube Defects Resource maintains and distributes mouse models for neural tube defects.
- Neuroscience@NIH
This inter-Institute effort seeks to convey, on an NIH-wide basis, research being conducted and supported in the neurosciences.
- Neuroscience Research Support at the NICHD
The NICHD is committed to supporting research in the neurosciences, particularly as they affect developing systems and rehabilitation. This site provides a central location for the Institute’s extramural neuroscience research information.
- NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD) Public Use Datasets
Phase I and II protocol documentation and datasets containing analysis and item-level variables are available to qualified researchers. Researchers who qualify become affiliates with the SECCYD. The application process is required to protect the rights of participants.
- NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry
The NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry lists the derivations of stem cells that are eligible for federal funding.
- NIH Neuroscience Blueprint
The Blueprint is a framework to enhance cooperative activities among 15 NIH Institutes and Centers that support research on the nervous system. By pooling resources and expertise, the Blueprint can take advantage of economies of scale, confront challenges too large for any single Institute or Center, and develop research tools and infrastructure that will serve the entire neuroscience community.
- NIH Roadmap
Developed with input from meetings with more than 300 nationally recognized leaders in academia, industry, government, and the public, the NIH Roadmap provides a framework of the priorities NIH as a whole must address in order to optimize its entire research portfolio. The NIH Roadmap identifies the most compelling opportunities in three main areas: new pathways to discovery, research teams of the future, and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise.
- Ovarian Kaleidoscope Database
Provides information regarding the biological function, expression pattern and regulation of genes expressed in the ovary.It also contains information on gene sequences, chromosomal localization, human and murine mutation phenotypes and biomedical publication links.
- Reproductive Genomics Program: Mouse Models of Infertility
This program, at the Jackson Laboratory, uses ENU mutagenesis to produce mouse models of infertility and includes mutagenesis of the mouse genome, phenotypic screening for infertility mutations, and regional mapping of each mutation to a chromosome. Breeding stock is available for scientists interested in using these models in their own research programs.
- Reproductive Tissue Sample Repository
This password protected site is intended for approved researchers.
- The Cochrane Collaboration 2006
Antenatal corticosteroids for accelerating fetal lung maturation for women at risk of preterm birth.
- Xenopus Gene Collection (XGC)
The XGC supports the production of cDNA libraries, clones, and sequences to provide a set of full-length, open reading frame sequences and cDNA clones of expressed genes for Xenopus. All resources are publicly available for the biomedical scientific community.
- Zebrafish Gene Collection (ZGC)
The ZGC supports the production of cDNA libraries, clones, and sequences to provide a set of full-length, open reading frame sequences and cDNA clones of expressed genes for zebrafish. All resources are publicly available for the biomedical scientific community.