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David Fludavid fluhartyharty

David Fluharty is an Associate Professor [WOT] School of Marine Affairs, University of Washington and Wakefield Professor of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington where he has been employed since 1976.  His doctoral degree is from the University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources in the interdisciplinary field of Natural Resource Conservation and Planning.  His research and teaching interests are in natural resource policy and management at national and international levels, ecosystem approaches for management of marine resources, watersheds, coastal zones, fisheries, marine protected areas, and regional effects of global climate change.  Significant professional activities include:  Member, NOAA Science Advisory Board 2005-; Chair, External Ecosystem Research Team for NOAA-wide Ecosystem Science and Research 2005 - 2006; Advisor of  National Center for Ecosystem Analysis and Synthesis [NCEAS] study groups on Marine Protected Areas and Models for Fisheries Ecosystems 2002-2005; Associate Editor, Coastal Management Journal 1982- present; Chair, Editorial Board, Marine Protected Area News; Member, National Research Council, Study on Evaluation, Design and Monitoring of MPAs and Reserves for the United States 1998-2000; Chair, Ecosystem Principles Advisory Panel 1997-2000 in producing a report to Congress on Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management.


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