NOAA Science Advisory Board
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SAB Meetings

JULY 19-21, 2000

ACTION: Board members are to provide individual comments on the draft NOAA Scientific Integrity Policy to OAR via the Chair or Executive Director. Individual comments will be distributed to the Board for discussion and consensus.

RECOMMENDATION: The Board recommends that a social science category be added to the categories of OAR Laboratory and Joint Institute reviewers.
RESOLUTION: The SAB accepts the OAR proposal for review of OAR research laboratories and joint institutes with minor changes.

ACTION: NESDIS will provide a copy of the 7/14/00 draft of the "Nation's Treasures at Risk" to the Board when it is available.

RECOMMENDATION: The SAB endorses the recommendation of the Working Group that NOAA and DOC consider joining the Federal Demonstration Partnership.

ACTION: The Executive Director will ask the SAB members of their desire to be involved in the science review of the NOS geodesy program.

RESOLUTION: The NOAA Science Advisory Board urges NOAA to take appropriate steps to ensure that the National Undersea Research Program becomes the primary undersea research program for the nation, and that it is given effective and adequate support to carry out its mission. Toward that end, NOAA should require completion of strategic planning for the NURP program and should ensure that in doing so and strengthening support for NURP, that the role of the regional centers is preserved.

ACTION: OAR will provide a status report on the development of a NURP strategic plan for the November SAB meeting.

RESOLUTION: The SAB delegates authority to its Chair to select, in consultation with appropriate NOAA administrators, additional members to serve on the Ocean Exploration Panel in the event an insufficient number of SAB nominees agree to serve.

RESOLUTION: The SAB hereby delegates authority to the Chair and such of its members as are able to attend the next SAB meeting in Washington, D.C., on September 29 to take any action they deem appropriate relative to the adoption of the SAB report on a national agenda for Ocean Exploration called for by the President's June 12, 2000 memorandum to the Secretary of Commerce. The SAB's report shall, after its adoption, be transmitted to NOAA Administrator, Dr. James Baker.

ACTION: NOS will provide the Board with the name of a contact for sea level rise forecasts.
RESOLUTION: The SAB requests that NMFS provide the science plan for salmon recovery and an analysis of how funding and initiatives and projects support the plan.

ACTION: The Executive Director will investigate what SAB salmon recovery recommendations were communicated to the Northwest fisheries advisory board and report his findings to the Board.

RESOLUTION: The Board adopts the report to the next Administrator as revised today, with appreciation to the writing committee, and authorizing the writing committee to make nonsubstantive changes to the document.

RESOLUTION: The NOAA Science Advisory Board endorses the report of the SAB Sub-Committee on Education and adopts the NOAA Education Committee as a Working Group of the NOAA Science Advisory Board Education Sub-Committee.
ACTION: The Executive Director will distribute the Sub-Committee Report to the Board.

RESOLUTION: The SAB adopts the 8 Themes as they are before us with the understanding that any proposed substantive revisions be submitted to the SAB at its November meeting.

ACTION: SAB members should send comments and nonsubstantive changes to the 8 Themes to the Chair.

RESOLUTION: The SAB wishes to add a line to item 3 of the OAR Lab/Joint Institute review process, reading "the SAB reserves the right to accept or decline the invitation."