NOAA Science Advisory Board
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SAB Meetings

JANUARY 28, 1999


1) The Board would like to review the inventory of NOAA's education programs and activities that was prepared by NOAA when Dr. Beeton was the Chief Scientist.

Charge to Dr. Crosby is to try to find a copy of the inventory and provided it to each SAB member for review.

2) A subgroup focused on education is formed consisting of Dr. Denise Stephenson-Hawk, Dr. Vera Alexander, and Dr. Arthur Maxwell.

Charge to the subgroup is to work with the three existing subcommittees to incorporate education into their activities.

3) NOAA will assign a NOAA liaison specifically for each subcommittee who will work closely with the Executive Director to be sure the subcommittees receive any information they need to conduct their activities.

Charge to Dr. Crosby is to follow up with the Assistant Administrators to have NOAA staff appointed as liaisons.

4) A subgroup focused on the NOAA science peer review process is formed consisting of Dr. Jake Rice, Dr. Leonard Pietrafasa, and Dr. Arthur Maxwell.

Charge to the subgroup is to work with Dr. David Evans on producing a more detailed document describing how the SAB may be involved in the science review process and how the review process works now.

5) Members of the SAB would like to accept the invitation from the Estuarine Research Federation (ERF) to attend the next ERF conference in New Orleans in September and meet with the Federation's Governing Board.

Charge to Dr. Crosby is to respond to ERF on behalf of the Board, work with the Federation, and report back to the SAB. Dr. Beeton suggested he could attend on behalf of the SAB but would welcome participation by Board members. Mr. Douglas said that he and members of his Subcommittee would like very much to accept the ERF invitation if the dates fit with everyone's schedules.

Time and place of SAB meetings was discussed. The next meeting should be in Seattle, perhaps back-to-back with a meeting of Sea Grant Directors in Portland. The fourth meeting should be in Boulder, CO, in October 1999. It was decided that the SAB should meet February 2000 in Washington, DC in conjunction with AAAS