Revised 8/26/02njm


DRAFT Letter to patients


The July news release on the Women’s Health Initiative Study about Hormone Replace Therapy (HRT) left many women unsure of their health choices.

Southcentral Foundation and Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium would like women to make an appointment at the earliest date with their health care provider, to talk about their health care options and decisions related to menopausal issues.



·        If HRT doesn't significantly improve the quality of your life you should not use it. It would be helpful to keep a diary to monitor your health and discuss with your health care provider.


Information for patients using the drug Prempro or similar generic combination 

 (Combination of conjugated estrogens 0.625 mg and medroxyprogesterone 2.5 mg)


Other risks of hormone replacement therapy also discussed include:

Increased risk of cancer of the uterus

May worsen diabetes

Not to be taken in pregnancy, liver disease, stroke, breast cancer, uterine cancer,                                                                                                        

Abnormal vagininal bleeding, or blood clotting


Other side effects include:

            Blood clots, nausea, abdominal. pain, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding,

            headache, and hair loss among others.


Talk to your health care provider about your individual choices, risks and needs.  Whether you have made the choice to begin, continue or discontinue HRT, discuss the healthy lifestyle measures for women in the middle years with the help of your provider. 

Phone  729 ------- today, to book your appointment.