Grant Information System

The DOT Grant Information System (GIS) is a comprehensive information system that can: (1) answer questions about assistance awards, such as awards to various states and counties; (2) provide periodic reports on various aspects of assistance programs; and (3) provide periodic reporting to the Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) as required by 31 U.S.C. 6102(a). Except for awards to other Federal agencies or interagency agreements, all departmental financial assistance awards are reported to the GIS. Information on contracts awarded under the Federal Acquisition Regulation are not included in the GIS, but are reported to the Contract Information System. The reporting form and instructions are reproduce at this web site. The reporting form, DOT Grant Information System Input Form, DOT F 1340.7B (rev. 04-97), is reproduced in adobe acrobat and excel formats. The GIS use the Geographic Locator Codes (GLC) maintained by the General Services Administration. Also included is a summary of fiscal year 1996 awards by state for the major DOT organizations and for DOT total.


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