The NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases group makes ongoing discrete measurements from land and sea surface sites and aircraft, and continuous measurements from baseline observatories and tall towers. These measurements document the spatial and temporal distributions of carbon-cycle gases and provide essential constraints to our understanding of the global carbon cycle.

  • CarbonTracker CarbonTracker is a tool designed to keep track of time dependent emissions and uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), both natural and manmade.
  • Current Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - Recent values and trends of CO2 measurements.
  • Interactive Atmospheric Data Visualization - This data exploration tool enables visitors to
    • View all data including near real-time preliminary CCGG measurement results.
    • Obtain details about each sampling location.
    • Manipulate and compare CCGG data sets.
    • Create custom graphs.
    • View their plots on-line with an option to save figures locally for later use.
  • Cooperative Air Sampling Network - An international effort to make regular discrete samples from a globally distributed network of sites.
  • Observatory Measurements - On-site measurements at the four NOAA/ESRL baseline observatories.
  • Tall Tower Measurements - Continental measurements from tall (>400m) towers.
  • Aircraft Measurements - An automated system for obtaining air samples from aircraft.
  • Standard Gases - Preparation and calibration of compressed air cylinders for CO2, CH4, and CO standard reference gasses.
  • GLOBALVIEW - A carbon cycle model validation tool constructed using observations from a cooperative global observing network.