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USMCC National Rescue Coordination Center and Search and Rescue Point of Contact Alert and Support Messages (Version 1.81) - 24 January 2008

This document describes the messages transmitted to national RCCs and national SPOCs. The document contains general information in Section 1 and information about the methodology used to develop the alert messages in Section 2. Sections 3 and 4 contain examples of alert and support messages and an explanation of the information contained in the messages. These sections are intended for users of the data.

The document is structured so that the user may use it as a reference and go directly to a specific type of alert message (in Section 3). In order to allow for the document to be used in this manner details on the information is duplicated under each type of alert message.

The Appendices to this document contain the following information:

  • Definitions of terms used in messages
  • Beacon registration data block formats
  • International RCC and SPOC message formats
  • Alert message structures (distribution of this appendix is limited to RCCs automatically processing USMCC messages)
  • Support message structures (distribution of this appendix is limited to RCCs automatically processing USMCC messages) 

SARSAT Program Plan -30 June 2000

The SARSAT Program’s mission is to manage, coordinate, and implement the United States activities in the international Cospas-Sarsat search and rescue program. 

406 MHz Beacon Coding Guidelines for USA National Use Fields - 17 November 2000

The purpose of this document is to provide the USA coding and bit allocation guidelines for Cospas-Sarsat beacon protocols that allow a “national use” field. These protocols include the Serialized User Protocol, National User Protocol and the National Location Protocol. 


S24.801 - Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals

02 December 1988

This document establishes a standard for content and format to be observed by contractors in the preparation of operation and maintenance manuals for electronic, electrical, and electromechanical equipment or systems. 

S24.804 - General Requirements for Training On Electronic Equipment - 19 June 1999

This document establishes requirements for the content and conduct of contractor training courses in the operation and maintenance of electronic, electrical, and electro-mechanical equipment system. 

S24.805 - Spare Parts - 24 January 1999

This document establishes a standard to be observed by Contractors in the preparation of adequate spare parts lists and the provision of those spare parts for the maintenance of electronic, electrical, and electro-mechanical equipment or systems.

S24.806 - Software Development, Maintenance, and User Documentation - 19 April 1994

This document establishes standards to be observed by the contractor in the development of software.

Cospas-Sarsat Documentation maintained by the Cospas-Sarsat Secretariat, including:

  • System Documents
  • Meeting Documents
  • System Data
  • Information Bulletins, and
  • Other Documents.

Basis for Terminating 121.5/243 MHz Satellite Distress Alerting – March 2006

This paper explains why COSPAS-SARSAT will terminate satellite coverage of the 121.5/243 MHz frequencies on 01 FEB 2009.



SARSAT Customer Service Policy  01 October 2006

Guidelines for public interaction within the NOAA-SARSAT program office.