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Deputy Director
for Science Programs
DOE Technology Transfer



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Deputy Director FOR Science Programs

The Office of Science has a new structure. We now have three Deputy Directors -- Deputy for Science Programs (serving as the Acting Director of the Office of Science whenever that position is vacant during changes in Administration or leadership), Deputy for Resource Management, and Deputy for Operations – reporting to the Director, a political appointee confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

The Deputy Director for Science Programs will provide scientific and management oversight for the six program offices (basic energy sciences, biological and environmental sciences, fusion energy science, advanced scientific computing research, high energy physics, and nuclear physics) by ensuring program activities are strategically conceived and executed; formulate and defend the Office of Science budget request; establish policies, plans, and procedures related to the management of the program offices; ensure the research portfolio is integrated across the program offices with other DOE program offices and other Federal agencies; and represent the organization and make commitments for the Department in discussions and meetings with high-level government and private sector officials. The position is within the ranks of the U.S. government’s Senior Executive Service (SES).


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