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March 28, 2008

Nine Master’s Degree Fellowships Offered by the US Department of Energy Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI), the domestic technology development component of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), is planning to support nine master’s degree students pursuing degrees in relevant programs. Eligible applicants will be full time students pursuing degrees in nuclear, mechanical, chemical engineering, engineering/applied physics, physics, chemistry, radiochemistry, or other fields of science and engineering applicable to the AFCI mission. Selected fellows will be technical students of the highest caliber with research areas and thesis topics of interest to the AFCI program.

This is the seventh year of the fellowship program which, to date, has supported 25 graduates with another 14 scheduled to graduate during 2008. Many past AFCI Fellows have continued their education to the PhD level and have secured employment with top companies or national laboratories. This indicates the high student quality attracted by the program. In 2008, the program intends to fund nine fellows at $45,000 per fellowship.

The Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative has been important in reestablishing the viability of civilian nuclear capabilities and facilities in the United States. The fellowship program reflects the AFCI program’s desire to support higher education and university programs – particularly students and programs that will strengthen nuclear energy related fields. This program also supports a stable nuclear infrastructure and develops research partnerships to enlarge the national nuclear science technology base.

AFCI is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, which includes the Nuclear Power 2010 Program, the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative (Generation IV), and the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative. AFCI is a focused research and development program addressing effective management of used commercial reactor fuel through recycling. AFCI provides the technical base for a transition from a once-through fuel cycle to closed fuel cycle that maximizes resource utilization and minimizes production of high-level waste.

The full program announcement and the application may be found at http://www.studentpipeline.org. Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m. Central Daylight Time, Thursday, April 24, 2008. For more information, contact Cathy Dixon, Director, University Research Alliance at 806-651-3401 or cdixon@wtamu.edu.


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