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Keywords Used in An Annotated Bibliography on Petroleum Pollution by Peter H. Albers

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1122 keywords with number of citations to which the term applies.

abnormalities 24
absorption 1
abundance 71
accumulation 50
activity 138
acute 61
adipocytes 1
adrenal 4
adult 63
Aegean Sea 5
aerobic 7
Africa 6
age 22
air 4
Alaska 143
Alberta 14
Alberta crude oil 1
alevin 3
alfalfa 1
algae 72
aliphatic hydrocarbons 172
alkane 94
alkyphenol 2
Amazon 1
American plaice 1
amino acids 9
ammonia 13
ammonium 13
Amoco Cadiz 35
amphibian 12
amphipod 30
anaerobic 10
analysis 140
anchovy 1
anemia 4
animal control 1
animal oil 2
anion 3
anionic 3
annelid 3
Antarctic 16
Antarctica 15
antennule 2
anthracene 4
antioxidant 3
apoptosis 2
aqueous 3
Arabian crude oil 18
Arabian Gulf 50
Arabian Light crude oil 43
Arctic 38
Arctic fox 1
Argentina 13
Argo Merchant 5
aromatic 28
aromatic hydrocarbon 23
aromatic hydrocarbons 398
Arrow 6
Aruba 2
asphaltene 5
assay 88
assimilation 4
Atlantic 31
Atlantic croaker 1
Atlantic salmon 8
atmosphere 1
auks 6
Australia 27
aviation gasoline 3
aviation kerosine 4
avoidance 9
bacteria 101
Bahrain 3
bald eagle 5
barge Florida 3
barium 2
barnacle 18
baseline 3
beach 85
beached bird survey 8
Beaufort Sea 2
behavior 118
benthic 88
benzene 27
benzo(a)anthracene 1
benzo[a]pyrene 9
Bering Sea 1
bile 23
bioassay 109
biochemical 57
biochemistry 35
biocide 1
biodegradation 82
biodiesel 1
biogenic 7
bioindicator 3
biological effects 38
bioluminescence 1
biomarker 25
biomass 54
bioremediation 81
biosolid 1
Biosolve 1
Biotox Flash 1
biotransformation 5
bird 414
bivalve 94
bivalves 1
black duck 2
black guillemot 2
black oystercatcher 2
Black Sea 4
blenny 1
blood 75
blubber 1
blue crab 5
bobwhite 1
bone 6
bone marrow 3
bonito 1
boulder 1
brain 11
brant 1
Bravo 3
Brazil 11
bream 1
brine water 10
British Columbia 1
brittlestar 1
bromide 1
brown pelican 3
bullfrog 1
Bunker A 1
Bunker C 91
burning 13
burrowing 6
burrowing mayfly 1
California 23
Cameroon 1
Canada 47
Canada geese 2
Canary Islands 3
cancer 1
Cape Cod 2
capsule 7
capture 7
carbamates 1
carbohydrate 2
carbon 50
carbon-14 2
carbon dioxide 4
carbon fixation 5
carcass 19
Caribbean 17
caribou 6
Caspian Sea 1
Cassin's auklet 4
catfish 4
cations 5
cattle 2
cell 40
cell division 1
chemical agent 2
chemical analysis 36
chemical characteristics 20
chemotaxis 2
Chesapeake 5
chicken 16
chicks 19
China 8
Chironomidae 2
chloride 6
chlorinated biphenyls 1
chlorophyll 45
cholinesterase 1
chromatography 3
chromosome 5
chronic 62
clam 42
clawed frog 1
clay 6
cleaning 48
clearance 5
clinical treatment 2
clover 1
coal 11
coal liquification 1
coal oil 4
coal tar 1
coast 179
cod 15
coelenterate 2
colonization 13
colony 21
Colorado squawfish 2
combination 64
commentary 18
commercial fishing 2
common eider 7
common murre 6
community 146
composition 82
compost 7
concentration 529
condition 94
conductance 6
conductivity 6
conservation 8
consumption 26
contingency 2
Cook Inlet crude oil 14
copepod 24
coral 35
coral reef 11
Corexit 7664 8
Corexit 8667 2
Corexit 9130 1
Corexit 9500 10
Corexit 9527 68
Corexit 9554 1
Corexit 9580 5
cormorant 2
corn 14
corn oil 4
cost 9
cotton rat 16
coughing 1
crab 42
crane 1
crankcase oil 14
crayfish 2
creek 9
creosote 10
Crete 1
criteria 4
critique 6
crude oil 909
crustacean 29
cunner 5
Curacao 1
cutthroat trout 3
cutting oil 2
cuttings 14
cycloalkane 8
dab 2
damage assessment 6
daphnia 19
decline 5
decomposition 3
degradation 151
Delaware 2
Delaware River 2
Denmark 8
density 70
dental fluorosis 1
depth 74
depuration 49
detection 18
detergent 6
Detroit River 1
development 119
diesel 123
diesel fuel 111
diet 39
dietary exposure 3
digestion 1
digestive gland 8
dimethylnapthalene 1
Diptera 2
discharges 32
disease 1
dispersal 7
dispersant 216
dissolved 28
distance 15
distillation fraction 3
distribution 63
diversity 44
DNA 15
DNA adduct 1
Dolly Varden 2
dolphin 3
dominance 3
dosed 32
drift 4
drilling fluids 12
drilling mud 22
duck 48
duckling 19
dye 2
eagle 5
earthworm 11
echinoderm 6
economy 5
ecosystem 55
eel 4
eelgrass 5
effectiveness 29
effects 805
effluent 43
egg shell 20
egg yolk 1
eggs 110
Egypt 4
Egyptian crude oil 1
eiders 9
Ekofisk crude oil 14
elimination 15
embryo 97
emergence 7
emissions 3
Empire Mix crude oil 6
emulsion 20
endangered species 3
endocrine 8
endocrine disruption 1
energetics 3
England 35
English Channel 4
enhanced recovery 1
environment 77
enzyme 29
epifauna 6
estimate 46
estuarine 39
estuary 38
ethylbenzene 2
Europe 9
eutrophication 1
evaluation 211
evaporation 4
experiment 252
Exxon Valdez 127
eye 3
eye pigmentation 1
faeces 2
farming 3
fate 87
fathead minnow 5
fatty acids 6
feathers 10
feces 5
feeding 40
feeding groups 1
female 33
fertility 3
fertilization 17
fertilizer 30
fin 6
fin rot 2
fingerling 4
fingerprinting 18
Finland 1
fish 379
fish meal 1
fishery 26
flagfish 2
Florida 16
Florida J crude oil 1
flounder 16
flow-through 58
fluoride 5
fluorine 4
fluorosis 4
food 38
food chain 7
foraging 12
Forties Field crude oil 6
France 33
fresh water 369
freshwater 12
freshwater invertebrate 110
freshwater plant 101
frog 3
fry 8
fuel oil 271
fulmar 1
fungi 15
fur 15
fur seal 1
gall 3
gall bladder 2
gas oil 4
gasoline 24
gastropod 20
general effect 129
general effects 1
genetic 14
genotoxic 11
Georges Bank 3
Germany 5
germination 24
GI tract 2
gill 45
glaucous-winged gull 6
glucose 11
glutamate 1
golden shiner 1
goldfish 1
gonads 23
grain 5
Grand Banks 1
grass 20
grass shrimp 9
gravel 18
grazing 5
great black-backed gull 4
Great Lakes 2
Greece 3
green gland 1
green turtle 2
grey seal 5
ground water 8
growth 191
Guadeloupe 1
guidelines 5
guillemot 9
Gulf of Aden 1
Gulf of Alaska 15
Gulf of Mexico 15
Gulf of Oman 5
Gulf oil spill 23
gull 37
habitat 42
habitat protection 1
haddock 2
harbor seals 2
harbour 6
harlequin duck 4
harpacticoid 2
harvest 5
hatchability 20
hatching 46
hazard 11
hazardous waste 4
health 19
heart 17
heart rate 5
heating oil 4
height 1
hematoxicity 1
hemocytes 2
hemoglobin 6
hemosiderosis 1
hepatopancreas 6
heron 2
herring 47
herring gull 24
hexane 1
Hibernia crude oil 9
highway 1
history 30
homing 2
hopane 12
hormesis 1
hormone 11
humans 12
humidity 3
hunting 1
hydra 1
hydrocarbon mixture 5
hydrocarbons 578
hypothermia 1
ice 4
immune response 14
incineration 1
incisor 3
incubation 63
index 36
India 8
Indian Ocean 2
indicator 28
industrial effluent 2
infauna 20
ingestion 39
inhalation 1
injection 8
injury 10
inorganic 13
insulation 6
interactions 6
interpretation 5
intertidal 105
intestinal absorption 3
intestine 7
invertebrate 90
iodine 1
ion regulation 1
ions 4
Iran 1
Iranian crude oil 16
Iraq 4
Ireland 4
irradiance 5
isopod 7
isoprenoid 3
isotope 8
Ixtoc 8
Ixtoc I crude oil 3
Japan 12
Japanese quail 3
jet fuel 11
Juncus 2
juvenile 66
kelp 9
Kenai Peninsula 1
kerosene 20
kidney 18
kinetic 3
kittiwake 4
Kuwait 71
Kuwait crude oil 44
La Rosa crude oil 1
labelled 18
Labrador 2
land farming 6
larvae 73
larvicide 4
leachate 5
lead 2
leaves 21
leech 1
legal 2
lemon sole 1
length 38
lesions 16
lethal 12
lettuce 5
Libyan crude oil 1
lichen 1
life cycle 4
light 82
limpet 9
lipid 18
litter 6
littoral 11
liver 99
lobster 7
long-term 64
loon 2
Louisiana 100
Louisiana crude oil 78
lubricating oil 17
lugworms 2
lung 1
lymph node 2
mackerel 1
macroalgae 12
macrofauna 11
macroinvertebrate 20
macrophyte 6
Maine 9
Malaysia 4
male 17
malformation 13
mallard 73
mammal 145
mangrove 35
marina 7
marine birds 16
marine environment 35
marine invertebrate 546
marine plant 206
marine turtle 2
Maryland 1
mass balance 3
Massachusetts 5
Maui condensate 1
mayfly 2
medical 3
Mediterranean 9
meiofauna 14
mercury 4
mesentery 1
mesocosm 29
metabolism 89
metabolite 23
metals 54
metamorphosis 2
methods 67
methyl mercury 1
Metula 3
Mexico 26
Michigan 2
microalgae 17
microbes 242
microcosm 31
micronuclei 1
microsomal 3
microsome 6
Microtox 24
migration 2
millet 1
mineral oil 19
mineralization 11
minerals 2
mink 4
miscellaneous 316
Mississippi 2
Missouri 3
mitigation 4
mitochondria 3
mixed-function oxidase 13
mixing 13
model 45
molasses 2
mollusc 14
molt 8
monitoring 50
monoaromatic 13
monooxygenase 9
morphometry 1
mosquito 7
motility 3
motor oil 19
mouse 4
mousse 10
movement 32
mullet 9
multivariate 8
mummichog 5
muscle 44
mussel 92
mustard 1
mutation 10
Mutatox 1
naphthalene 53
naphthene 1
narcosis 3
natural gas 4
natural resource 11
nauplii 5
necropsy 11
nematode 9
neonate 2
nest 6
nestling 11
Netherlands 8
nets 2
New England 1
New Jersey 13
New York 7
Newfoundland 13
newspaper 1
nickel 1
Nigeria 20
Nigerian crude oil 18
nitrate 15
nitrification 3
nitrogen 29
No.1 fuel oil 5
No.2 fuel oil 142
No.20 fuel oil 1
No.4 fuel oil 1
No.5 fuel oil 3
No.6 fuel oil 18
nonhydrocarbon 5
nonionic 3
nonpetroleum oil 4
Norman Wells crude oil 14
North America 5
North Sea 56
North Sea crude oil 19
North Slope 27
North Slope crude oil 34
Norway 18
Nova Scotia 5
nucleic acid 1
Nueces Bay 2
numbers 34
nutrients 58
nutrition 1
nymphs 2
oat 4
ODeight 19
ODeleven 15
ODfive 3
ODfour 59
ODnine 29
ODone 17
ODseven 2
ODsix 22
ODten 6
ODthree 42
ODtwo 2
Oeight 110
Oeleven 279
offshore 61
Ofive 66
Ofour 304
oil 1639
oil-based 9
oil field 88
oil lakes 5
oil platform 10
oil sands 17
oil seep 11
oil slick 19
oil spill 569
oil terminal 3
oiled 257
oiling 2
Oklahoma 9
oligochaete 6
Onine 98
Oone 357
organ 28
organic 47
organic acid 1
organic carbon 28
organic sulfur 1
organochlorines 6
organoleptic 3
organophosphates 1
origin 12
Orimulsion 9
Oseven 50
Osix 81
osmoregulation 3
Oten 188
Othree 225
OthreeA 6
OthreeR 6
otter 5
Otwo 116
ova 2
ovary 6
overview 20
oxidation 2
oxygen 37
oyster 25
oyster drill 1
Pacific 24
Pacific herring 14
PAH 179
palm oil 1
Panama 14
paraffin 14
parameters 10
parasite 12
particle size 4
particulate 19
pathology 96
PCB 10
pelican 3
penguin 21
Pennsylvania 8
periphyton 3
periwinkle 4
perlene 1
permeability 3
peroxide 1
persistence 24
pesticide 2
petroleum 624
petroleum development 5
petroleum hydrocarbons 307
petroleum oil 4
petroleum products 27
petroleum waste 15
pH 17
phalarope 1
pheasant 1
phenanthrene 16
phenol 15
pheromone 1
phosphate 7
phosphorus 11
photoenhanced 7
photograph 8
photooxidation 8
photosynthesis 27
phototaxis 2
phototoxicity 6
physical characteristics 12
physiology 116
phytoplankton 41
pigment 4
pilchard 1
pink salmon 15
pipeline 29
plaice 4
plankton 15
plant 110
planulae 3
plasma 13
plastic 3
platelet 4
plumage 32
plume 4
polar bear 5
polar compounds 3
policy 2
pollock 3
pollution 198
polychaete 17
polymer 1
poplar 1
population 226
population control 4
pore water 5
pores 2
porphyrin 3
prawn 6
predation 8
prediction 2
pressure 6
previous exposure 2
Prince William Sound 92
procedure 29
produced water 22
production chemicals 2
productivity 15
prolactin 1
protection 12
protein 20
protozoa 3
Prudhoe Bay 112
Prudhoe Bay crude oil 148
puffin 3
pupae 1
pyrogenic 4
Qatar 4
quail 5
rabbit 1
rabbitfish 2
radar 1
radionuclide 2
radish 1
rainbow trout 25
raptor 3
rat 40
rate 133
ratio 38
recovery 90
recruitment 9
recycling 1
red blood cell 8
Red Sea 12
redhead 1
redox potential 5
reduction 9
refined oil 17
refinery 62
region 36
regrowth 2
regulation 5
rehabilitation 63
release 26
remediation 45
remote sensing 1
reproduction 100
reptile 12
rescue 5
residual oil 12
resin 6
respiration 52
restoration 20
retina 1
review 98
Rhode Island 7
rice rat 1
ring-billed gull 1
ringed seal 5
risk 32
risk assessment 10
river 19
river otter 12
rockweed 1
rocky shore 13
root 6
roots 26
rotifer 4
Russia 1
Russian crude oil 2
ryegrass 5
Sagittaria 3
saithe 1
salamander 3
salinity 30
salmon 41
salt gland 1
salt marsh 36
salt water 1432
sampling 82
sand 67
sand worm 2
sandpiper 2
sandy beach 4
Santa Barbara crude oil 10
saturated hydrocarbons 67
Saudi Arabia 21
Saudi Arabian crude oil 3
scallop 5
scaup 1
Scotland 13
sculpin 4
sea anemone 3
sea catfish 1
sea lettuce 1
sea lion 1
sea otter 35
sea urchin 20
seagrass 17
seal 15
search effort 2
seasonal 31
sediment 372
seed 27
seedling 16
Seine River 1
serum 7
sex 14
shale oil 5
shark 1
sheepshead minnow 7
shell 38
shellfish 6
Shetland 12
shorebird 3
shoreline 56
short-term 28
shrimp 52
silicone 2
simulation 10
Sinai crude oil 3
Singapore 4
size 30
skimmer 1
skin 14
skuas 3
Slovenia 1
SM8 1
smoke 1
smolt 2
snail 17
snow goose 1
society 11
soil 166
soil profile 4
sole 6
solubility 37
soluble 3
solvent 5
solvent extract 2
sorbent 1
sources 48
South Africa 13
South Carolina 2
South Louisiana crude oil 83
South Pole 2
Spain 22
Spartina 19
spatial scale 4
spawn 1
spawning 5
species 304
species diversity 12
sperm 6
spermatozoa 1
spill 665
spill response 23
spill size 1
spiny dogfish 1
spleen 9
spot 2
spray 2
spruce 2
squid 2
starfish 4
starvation 2
static 98
statistics 10
steelhead trout 1
sterane 12
steroid 8
sterols 1
stomach 7
storage 10
storm-petrel 6
stormwater 3
stream 41
stream discharge 1
stress 16
striped bass 3
striped mullet 5
structure 29
sturgeon 2
subacute 3
sublethal 40
sublittoral 6
substrate 14
subtidal 30
sugar cane 1
sulfate 7
sulfide 1
sulfur 4
sulphate 3
sunflower oil 1
sunlight 6
surfactant 15
survey 94
survival 271
suspended sediment 2
Svalbard 4
Sweden 1
swimming 10
symbiotic 1
synthetic oil 9
tadpole 2
taiga 1
taint 5
tanker 30
tar ball 15
tar cover 2
taste 1
taxonomy 5
technical 141
temperature 71
tern 7
terpane 9
terpenoid 1
terrorism 1
testes 2
Texas 34
theft 1
thermoregulation 13
thymus 2
tidal flat 7
tilling 3
time 358
tissue 158
tolerance 5
toluene 18
total hydrocarbons 52
toxicity 240
toxicity index 1
TPH 10
transect 47
transfer 13
transpiration 2
transplant 5
transport 14
treatment 71
treefrog 1
trend 9
Trinidad 4
triterpane 2
trophic transfer 4
Tsesis 4
tundra 9
turbidity 3
turbot 4
turtle 10
ultraviolet 5
United Arab Emirates 7
United Kingdom 7
unresolved complex mixture 14
unsaturated hydrocarbons 7
uptake 81
urban 11
urchin 20
urine 2
Urucu crude oil 1
Uruguay 2
used motor oil 8
vanadium 2
Vancouver Island 1
vandalism 1
vegetable 1
vegetable oil 12
vegetation 51
Venezuela 1
Venezuelan crude oil 23
virus 1
viscera 3
viscosity 2
viscous shear 1
vulnerability 14
Wales 12
war 43
washing 11
Washington 12
waste oil 8
waste water 27
water 50
water-based 5
water column 33
water mold 1
waterfowl 10
weathered 156
weight 94
western gull 2
wetland 39
whale 3
wheat 7
white spirit 1
whole body 6
wing 3
winkle 3
winter flounder 9
wintering 11
wood duck 1
xylene 7
yeast 5
yellowtail flounder 1
Yukon 1
zebra finch 1
zooplankton 32
zoospore 3
zygote 1

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