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gfdl's home page > gfdl on-line bibliography > 2004: Tellus, 56A(1), 2-15

Multiple time level adjustment for data assimilation

Zhang, S., J. L. Anderson, A. Rosati, M. Harrison, S. P. Khare, and A. Wittenberg, 2004: Multiple time level adjustment for data assimilation Tellus, 56A(1), 2-15.
Abstract: Time-stepping schemes in ocean-atmosphere models can involve multiple time levels. Traditional data assimilation implementation considers only the adjustment of the current state using observations available, i.e. the one time level adjustment. However, one time level adjustment introduces an inconsistency between the adjusted and unadjusted states into the model time integration, which can produce extra assimilation errors. For time-dependent assimilation approaches such as ensemble-based filtering algorithms, the persistent introduction of this inconsistency can give rise to computational instability and requires extra time filtering to maintain the assimilation.
A multiple time level adjustment assimilation scheme is thus proposed, in which the states at times t and t- 1, t- 2, ... , if applicable, are adjusted using observations at time t. Given a leap frog time-stepping scheme, a low-order (Lorenz-63) model and a simple atmospheric (global barotropic) model are used to demonstrate the impact of the two time level adjustment on assimilation results in a perfect model framework with observing/assimilation simulation experiments. The assimilation algorithms include an ensemble-based filter (the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter, EAKF) and a strong constraint four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) assimilation method. Results show that the two time level adjustment always reduces the assimilation errors for both filtering and variational algorithms due to the consistency of the adjusted states at times t and t- 1 that are used to produce the future state in the leap frog time-stepping. The magnitude of the error reduction made by the two time level adjustment varies according to the availability of observations, the nonlinearity of the assimilation model and the strength of the time filter used in the model. Generally the sparser the observations in time, the larger the error reduction. In particular, for the EAKF when the model uses a weak time filter and for the 4D-Var method when the model is strongly nonlinear, two time level adjustment can significantly improve the performance of these assimilation algorithms.
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last modified: April 22 2004.