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Tips for Downloading Files

PDF Files

PDFs are like electronic photocopies. They will load onto your screen in a format that is a bit fuzzy and difficult to read on screen, but if you print them, you will have a document that looks just like the original. For this reason the evaluations and worksheets are provided in PDF only, and PDF versions of most of the material are provided. If you prefer to read printed material, you can print out all the documents and create a notebook for yourself.

If you click on a PDF and it doesn't open, it may be that you do not have the "reader" installed on your computer. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is free and safe to download. You can click here to get Acrobat Acrobat Reader on the Adobe site. Just be sure to make a note of where (into what folder) you download the reader. Once you download it, you will need to go to that folder and click or double click on the icon to install it.

PowerPoint Slides

To download all the PowerPoint presentations complete with notes, follow the link provided on the Growing Challenge Home Page above the videotapes list. You will need to unzip the files (see instructions for WinZip below). You may wish to choose this option in order to view the "speakers notes" which contain a lot of information.

If you wish to simply browse the slides online and do not need to view the notes or use the slides to conduct a training, follow the links provided under each of the modules.

WinZip and PowerPoint Viewer

When you click on the link to "All PowerPoint Slides and Notes," you will be prompted to save the file to your hard drive. To unzip the files once you have saved them to your computer, use WinZip. If you don't already have WinZip, you can download it (get WinZip).

If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer, you can view the slides with the free PowerPoint Viewer (get PowerPoint Viewer).

Call for Assistance

If you have trouble with any of these steps, please contact us or call toll free 800-438-4380, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Eastern.


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Page last updated Jul 24, 2008
