The Library of Congress > New THOMAS Features Home > About > Understanding the New Search Results

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Searching from the THOMAS BETA home page can yield results from several content types. The content types are:

  • Bills and Resolutions
  • Congressional Record
  • Committee Reports
  • Presidential Nominations
  • Treaties

Search the current Congress for "immigration" from the THOMAS pilot home page.

The image below is the initial search results screen. The results appear on the right. Information about your search and additional options appear on the left.

screen shot of a THOMAS search results display.
  1. Sort Options

    The results are initially sorted by content type. Results can also be sorted by relevance or date.

  2. Keyword Occurences

    This feature shows where your keyword appears in each result.

  3. Top Results

    The top three results from each category are returned.

  4. View All

    The ability to view all results from any category is provided.

  5. Number of Results Found
  6. Search Again

    Add additional keywords to your search or enter a completely new search.

  7. Select Types of Content

    Select the types of content to search.

  8. Limit by Congress

    Search all Congresses or limit your search to one.

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