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gfdl on-line bibliography > 2007 citations

Ozone air quality and radiative forcing consequences of changes in ozone precursor emissions

West, J. J., A. M. Fiore, V. Naik, L. W. Horowitz, M. D. Schwarzkopf, and D. L. Mauzerall, 2007: Ozone air quality and radiative forcing consequences of changes in ozone precursor emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L06806, doi:10.1029/2006GL029173.
Abstract: Changes in emissions of ozone (O3) precursors affect both air quality and climate. We first examine the sensitivity of surface O3 concentrations (O3 srf) and net radiative forcing of climate (RFnet) to reductions in emissions of four precursors - nitrogen oxides (NO x ), non-methane volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and methane (CH4). We show that long-term CH4-induced changes in O3, known to be important for climate, are also relevant for air quality; for example, NO x reductions increase CH4, causing a long-term O3 increase that partially counteracts the direct O3 decrease. Second, we assess the radiative forcing resulting from actions to improve O3 air quality by calculating the ratio of ΔRFnet to changes in metrics of O3 srf. Decreases in CH4 emissions cause the greatest RFnet  decrease per unit reduction in O3 srf, while NO x reductions increase RFnet. Of the available means to improve O3 air quality, therefore, CH4 abatement best reduces climate forcing.

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last modified: March 28 2007.