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Board Member Hyland Stresses Member-Centric Approach to League Audiences

Combines Credit Union Visits While Speaking to Annual Meetings in Ohio and Delaware

April 25, 2007, Alexandria, VA- National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board Member Gigi Hyland addressed both the Ohio and Delaware Credit Union League annual meetings last week. During her speeches, Board Member Hyland told both audiences that her view of credit unions aligns with member-centricity—that credit union members should be the focus around which all of a credit union’s efforts should revolve. “As I have often stated,” said Hyland, “if you believe in credit unions, you believe in their members. That belief carries over to all decisions, from products and services, to transparency.” Also discussed were Outreach Task Force efforts; a legislative update regarding CURIA; and the importance of member rights and benefits in light of recent credit union merger activity.

While in Cincinnati, Board Member Hyland also visited Bill Herring, CEO of Cincinnati Community Credit Union, at the credit union’s Carthage branch, which serves a largely Hispanic and low income community in Cincinnati. Hyland also met with Lisa Roberts-Rosser, Executive Director of Smart Money Community Services, a nonprofit organization supported by Cincinnati Community Credit Union, which provides financial education and services to underserved communities in the area.

"Time and time again, I've had the opportunity to witness firsthand how credit unions are moving forward in underserved communities and helping low income families achieve the American dream," stated Hyland. Cincinnati Community Credit Union and its partnership with Smart Money Community Services is just one example of how the credit union community is reaching out to those who need it most."

During her visit to Delaware, Board Member Hyland was joined by Governor Ruth Ann Minner at a breakfast event during the Delaware Credit Union League's Annual Meeting and Trade Show, at which Hyland served as the Keynote speaker.

"Governor Minner is very interested in helping the residents of Delaware strengthen themselves financially, and I was happy to highlight how credit unions are making a difference to all their members," said Board Member Hyland. "During my speeches to both meetings in Ohio and Delaware, I was able to update the audience on key challenges and opportunities facing credit unions, while encouraging them to keep believing in and putting their members first."

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, also operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the deposits of over 85 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit union.