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National Credit Union Administration
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Alexandria, VA 22314-3428
Phone: (703) 518-6330
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Media Advisory


Board Member Hyland Represents NCUA Board at FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion

April 2, 2007, Alexandria, VA--National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board Member Gigi Hyland was invited to attend the inaugural meeting of the FDIC's Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion as an observer on behalf of the agency. The Advisory Committee was created by FDIC Chairman Sheila C. Bair in November, 2006 to share insights, recommendations, and best practices in order to provide traditional financial services to underserved populations.

 "I am grateful to NCUA Chairman Johnson and FDIC Chairman Bair for inviting me to attend the Committee's meetings on behalf of the NCUA. There is a strong parallel between the mission of this Committee and that of NCUA's Outreach Task Force, which I chair. The exchange of information and ideas will be invaluable as the Outreach Task Force moves ahead in the coming months. I look forward to future meetings, to finding more and better ways for credit unions to fulfill their mission of people helping people, and ways in which the NCUA can be helpful in achieving that goal."

Additional information about the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion can be found at:

The National Credit Union Administration charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the accounts of over 85 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit unions. NCUA is funded by credit unions, not federal tax dollars.