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Media Advisory


NCUA Outreach Task Force Holds First Meeting

Alexandria, VA, January 30, 2007 – The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Outreach Task Force held its first meeting at NCUA headquarters today. The thirteen member group had an opportunity to meet each other and conduct an initial discussion on the recommendations of NCUA’s Member Service Assessment Pilot (MSAP) and the GAO Report on credit unions’ service and senior executive compensation arrangements. The Task Force was created last November to provide a better understanding and evaluation of the NCUA’s outreach efforts and in further response to the findings in the agency’s MSAP: A Study of Federal Credit Union Service. The MSAP was compiled in response to a request from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the House Ways and Means Committee.

Chaired by Board Member Gigi Hyland, the Task Force is comprised of the following NCUA staff: Moisette I. Green, Staff Attorney, Office of General Counsel; Gary Kohn, Senior Policy Advisor to Board Member Hyland; Kelly Lay, Director, Division of Supervision, Region V;  Rob Leonard, Analyst, Division of Supervision, Office of Examination and Insurance; Heather Murphy, Principal Examiner (Boston), Region I; Nancy Padilla, Credit Union  Development Analyst, Office of Small Credit Union  Initiatives; Kevin Rocks, Supervisory Examiner, Region II; Mike Ryan, Loss/Risk Analysis Officer, Division of Risk Management, Office of Examination and Insurance; Marcia Sarrazin, Associate Regional Director, Programs, Region III; Dave Shetler, Senior Corporate Program Specialist, Office of Corporate Credit Unions; Len Skiles, Executive Director; and Jane Walters, Deputy Executive Director.

“This was a productive first meeting,” remarked Board Member Hyland. “Rapport was quickly established and the members promptly began their work to analyze and evaluate the MSAP recommendations as well as evaluate the agency’s current role and efforts with respect to credit union service to their members, including financial literacy and alternatives to predatory lending practices.”

In addition to staff deliberations, Board Member Hyland will conduct a series of regional “town hall” and other meetings to gather input and ideas from credit unions, credit union leagues and other interested parties. The dates and locations of upcoming town hall meetings will be announced shortly.

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, also operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the deposits of over 85 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit unions.