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NCUA News Release


NCUA Board Member Hyland Appoints
Gary J. Kohn as Senior Policy Advisor

Alexandria, VA, January 19, 2006 – National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board Member Gigi Hyland announced today that Gary J. Kohn has been appointed as her Senior Policy Advisor.

As Senior Policy Advisor, Kohn will serve as the top aide to Board Member Hyland, advising on policy and regulatory matters.

“I am very pleased to welcome Gary to NCUA. His insight, knowledge of credit union issues and lobbying experience on Capitol Hill will play a great role in furthering NCUA’s agenda,” said Board Member Hyland. “I believe that Gary’s wealth of experience will benefit the agency and the nation’s credit unions for years to come.”

Kohn has over 12 years experience conducting a full range of lobbying duties on behalf of the nation’s credit unions, most recently as Vice President, Legislative Affairs and Senior Legislative Counsel for the Credit Union National Association (CUNA). Since 2002, Gary served as CUNA’s representative on the Board of Directors of the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, and represented CUNA as a member of the Consumer Literacy Consortium and the Advisory Council of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.

A graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and a member of the District of Columbia Bar, he was previously employed in a similar capacity by the Independent Bankers Association of America (IBAA) as its Senate and tax lobbyist. Before that, he held a similar position with the Investment Company Institute, the national trade association for the nation’s mutual fund industry. A resident of Greenbelt, Maryland, he has been active in civic, political and religious organizations.

“I am very pleased to be joining the NCUA and look forward to working with Board Member Hyland,” said Kohn. “The next several years will be a critical time for the system and I am hopeful that I can contribute to ensuring a vibrant future for credit unions.”

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the savings of over 85 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit unions.