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WISE EARS!<sup>®</sup> News Logo

March 2003

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News From You

Sertoma International
Sertoma International (SERvice TO MAnkind), a 25,000-strong volunteer service organization whose focus is on communication disorders, as well as other areas pertaining to community service, that joined WISE EARS!® is sending a 4-page brochure on CD out to all their members about noise-induced hearing loss, WISE EARS!®, and making it a Sertoma national effort. Sertoma’s plans are for this brochure to be the general piece their clubs distribute to the public. Schools and workplaces will receive this brochure, in addition to the WISE EARS!® I Love What I Hear! and the WISE EARS!® at Work information fact sheet. Sertoma is also doing newspaper ads and PSAs for their clubs to use. Thank you, SERTOMA!

Sertoma also sponsors projects in national heritage, youth, and other community needs. Sertoma offers scholarships for graduate study in audiology and speech pathology and for undergraduate students with hearing loss pursuing degrees in any field. To learn more about Sertoma International, visit their Web site at


The American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
The Academy is gearing up for their 15th Annual Convention & Expo in San Antonio, Texas, April 2-5. More than 7,000 audiologists, students, and hearing health professionals will preview the latest technologies, gather information on groundbreaking discoveries, and learn about state-of-the-art procedures for diagnosing and treating hearing loss and balance disorders. Senator Bob Dole will address the General Assembly on Thursday, April 3 at 10 am. For more information, contact

The Academy has also published a new guideline on Considerations for the Use of Support Personnel for Newborn Hearing Screening. For more information, go to


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
ASHA has developed new consumer brochures that cover the topics of audiologists and their services; cochlear implants, what it is, who is a candidate, and follow-up after cochlear implant surgery; and noise--bad for your hearing, bad for your health, and when noise is dangerous. ASHA is also gearing up new PSAs for their campaign in early April on Hearing Health. TV, radio, and print media spots will highlight noise (everyday noise) and prevention of hearing loss from damaging levels of noise. Check out their campaign at for more information.

Dangerous Decibels
April 30 is Noise Awareness Day and Dangerous Decibels will team up with the Oregon Hearing Research Center and the Department of Otolaryngology at OHSU for a display in the lobby of their hospital to tell folks about protecting their ears. Eardrum demonstrations and earplug give-aways will be available.


DRF Launches Hearing Health Magazine this Month.
As reported in the January issue of the e-newsletter, DRF/NCHH has recently purchased Hearing Health magazine. The first DRF issue is going to print and will be in subscribers' mailboxes at the end of March. was recently awarded the bronze placement for the Fall 2002 World Wide Web Health Awards Program. NCHH's Web site was recognized in the Health Promotion/Disease & Injury Prevention Information category for non-profits.

The Hearing Health magazine Web site will also be revamped by the end of the month.

The Deafness Research Foundation (DRF) hosts gala kick-off reception in NYC, celebrating 45 years of Hearing Health. The event brought together the elite Gala Committee, Board Members, and DRF supporters.


Madigan Army Medical Center
On May 16, 2003, Madigan Army Medical Center will celebrate their Retiree Appreciation Day. Hundreds of patients will receive information on the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss and WISE EARS!® message at the event. We welcome Marjorie Grantham as our new Madigan contact.

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI)
Did you know that a significant portion of the hearing loss we attribute to aging may result from a lifetime of exposure to high-level sound? This information fact sheet, "Wear your ear protection," is now available on MEEI’s Web site along with a link to the WISE EARS!® campaign to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss. To learn more about the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, visit their Web site at


The Noise Center at the League for the Hard of Hearing for the past seven years has put a great deal of resources into sponsoring International Noise Awareness Day (INAD). The League for the Hard of Hearing sets the date each year in April and hopes that each participant will use the day as a focal point for their own initiatives concerning noise and its impact on hearing, health, and the quality of life in their own communities. See this year's press release for INAD at The eighth International Noise Awareness Day is scheduled to take place April 30, 2003. Visit for the latest information and materials for INAD.

Oregon Hearing Research Center at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)
Oregon Hearing Research Center is organizing "Hearing Today... and Tomorrow," a hearing health fair for the general public. The fair will be at the Portland Conference Center on May 10, which includes talks by OHSU clinicians and exhibits by hearing aid manufacturers, assistance organizations, and other related organizations. For more information, contact (503) 494-0670.


The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute Inc., a trade association whose members include manufacturers of powered lawn and garden maintenance products, as well as industry-related services, joined WISE EARS!® in July 2002. OPEI and NIDCD recently collaborated on a safety message about noise-induced hearing loss, which appears on the OPEI Web site at under the heading "Watch Safety TV."

WISE EARS!® goes to the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center. Materials on noise-induced hearing loss prevention will be distributed to 4th and 7th grade students at the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center in Iowa City, Iowa.

Remember to send us news on your WISE EARS!® activities for our next newsletter. For more information on the WISE EARS!® campaign, please visit


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008