Hurricane, Typhoon & Tropical Cyclone Strike Probabilities

To display the strike probabilities, click on a location or submit a latitude and longitude (or a comma seperated list of latitudes and longitudes) or submit a ZIP code (U.S. only). Please be patient: the probability calculation can be slow. You must use a browser capable of displaying tables to view the strike probabilities.

Australia Bahamas Barbados
Bermuda Caroline Is. Canada
Cuba Dominican Rep. Grand Cayman Is.
Hong Kong India Jamaica
Diego Garcia Japan Mariana Is.
Marshall Is. Mauritius Mexico
New Zealand
Reunion Is. Philippines
Taiwan Thailand U.S.A.
Venezuela U.S. Virgin Is. Br. Virgin Is.

Latitude (, + north, - south; e.g. 21.20 is 21°20´ N)

Longitude (, + west, - east; e.g. -130.10 is 130°10´ E)

Click to submit. Click to clear.

ZIP Code (U.S. Only)

Click to submit. Click to clear.

Recent Archived Strike Probabilities (Check here if you get a "busy signal": there may be a nearby city archived)

If you know the latitude and longitude of your location, you can make your own list of locations using a URL like where you replace the xx.xx with the actual latitude and longitude in the format (dd is degrees, mm is minutes; use a minus sign for south latitude and east longitude). The location is any text with a plus sign to represent a space. For example,,+Japan gives the probabilities for Kagoshima, Japan.

Important information: these data may not be entirely accurate.
Description of the strike probabilty calculation (168 kB PostScript file). (PDF version).
Instructions for the strike probability calculation.

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