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Kevin Lyons

National Institute of Standards & Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 8260
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8260

Phone: (301) 975-6550
Fax: (301) 975-4635


Kevin Lyons, Senior Research Engineer, Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory (MEL), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently supporting the Nanomanufacturing and Sustainable Manufacturing Programs at NIST. From 2004 through 2006 he served as Program Director for the Nanomanufacturing Program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) on detail from NIST. The program emphasizes research on the scale-up of nanotechnology for high rate production, reliability, robustness, yield, efficiency and cost issues for manufacturing products and services. He also led several of the Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE) programs that were focused on manufacturing. From 2000 to 2004 he served as Program Manager of the Nanomanufacturing Program within the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at NIST. This program's objective was to support U.S. industry in moving nanomanufacturing technologies into production by concurrently developing the scientific and engineering foundations necessary to support measurements and standards required to achieve effective and validated nanoscale product and process performance. From 1996 to 2000 he served as Program Manager with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he was responsible for the conceptualization, development, and execution of advanced research and development programs in design and manufacturing. Other responsibilities at NIST included research in design, process modeling, assembly, virtual assembly, and rapid prototyping. From 1977 to 1992 he worked in industry in various staff and supervisory positions in engineering marketing, product design and analysis, factory automation, and quality engineering. He received his BSME from University of Florida and MSME from University of Maryland.

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Date Created: September 2, 2005
Last Modified: February 20, 2008

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