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Simon P. Frechette

National Institute of Standards & Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 8260
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8260

Phone: (301) 975-3335
Fax: (301) 258-9749

Simon Frechette is a member of the NIST Manufacturing Systems Integration Division. He has worked in the areas of manufacturing standards implementation, conformance testing, product data standards, and systems integration for the last 15 years. Currently, he is the group leader for the Manufacturing Standards Methods Group and manages the NIST Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) program, which coordinates NIST efforts to improve data integration for manufacturing and science applications. Previous positions include work with Westinghouse and a NIST internship with Black & Decker. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin (BSME) and the University of Kansas (MSME) and is currently performing graduate work in computer science at John's Hopkins University.

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Date Created: September 2, 2004
Last Modified: January 31, 2005

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