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Manufacturing Simulation and Modeling Group (826.14)

Contributes to the research and development of technology and standards for manufacturing simulation and modeling that promise to reduce the cost and increase the accessibility of simulation technology to U.S. industry. The Group contributes to the advancement of the state of the art by establishing interface standards and testing mechanisms for the integration, verification, and validation of simulation modeling tools and models. The primary goals are to develop integration interfaces for integrating simulation applications with each other (distributed simulations) and with other manufacturing applications; and develop methods, models, and testing mechanisms for validating the correctness of simulation systems themselves (validating the behavior of simulation systems and models). These goals are achieved through collaborative efforts with software vendors, industrial users, and standards organizations. Specific research includes: (1) developing architectures for constructing distributed manufacturing simulations, (2) specifying and validating standard data representations, data models and integration interfaces, (3) developing methodologies and tools for measuring the ability of simulation systems to accurately model the behavior of manufacturing systems and processes, (4) defining test cases and implementing testing mechanisms for both integration and correctness testing, (5) constructing prototype systems and models to demonstrate proof-of-concept for new technology and solutions.


Group Leader: Charles McLean

Group Secretary: Shanille Nelson

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Date Created: February 9, 2002
Last Modified: January 9, 2008 (ajp)

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