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Public Health Functions Steering Committee
(as of 1997)

Co-Chaired by the
Assistant Secretary for Health and the Surgeon General

Public Health Functions Working Group
(as of 1997)

Co-Chaired by the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
(Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion)
and the
Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Subcommittees and Projects

Public Health Expenditures
  1. Federal
  2. State
  3. Local
Public Health Data
  1. Public Health Infrastructure Data
  2. Action Plan for Improving State and Local Health Information
Public Health Guideline Development
  1. Guide to Community Preventive Services
  2. Public Health Practice Guidelines
Public Health Communications
  1. National Public Health Week
  2. Public Health Information Strategy
Public Health Workforce, Training, and Education
  1. Workforce Group
  2. Competency-Based Curriculum Group
  3. Distance Learning Systems Development Group
Managed Care and Public Health
  1. HEDIS
  2. County-Level Tracking of Public Health Functions and Policies

Healthy People 2010
  1. Public Health Infrastructure Chapter Development
  2. Public Health Infrastructure Regional Meetings
Essential Services
  1. Public Health in America Statement




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Last modified: September 24, 1999