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WISE EARS!® Timeline of Progress--1999

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January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

November 1999

Seventy-five people participate in the Continuing Education Institute workshop titled "Stop Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Now! Progress for the New Century."


October 1999

WISE EARS!® Spanish-language article is published in La Opinion (Jacksonville, Texas).

NIDCD, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and WISE EARS!® coordinating panel members present at the American Public Health Association (APHA) continuing medical education workshops, Chicago, Ill.

WISE EARS!® at the Association for Late Deafened Adults (ALDA), Alexandria, Va.

WISE EARS!® at the Biology Teachers Association, Fort Worth, Texas.

WISE EARS!® at the NIH Community Health Forum, Bethesda, Md.

Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., sponsors Best Practices in Hearing Loss Prevention, a meeting that focuses on hearing loss prevention efforts in the industry.

Indian Health Service (IHS) joins the WISE EARS!® coalition.

Fifth issue of WISE EARS!® News is distributed to coalition members.


September 1999

Consumer Reports publishes the article "Noise: A Rising Racket Threatens Our Hearing and Our Quality of Life. Why Isn't That Message Being Heard?"

WISE EARS!® at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), New Orleans, La.

WISE EARS!® at the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), Orlando, Fla.


August 1999

The Washington Post Health section publishes the article "Sound Advice for Guarding Your Ears," and mentions the WISE EARS!® Web site.

The Noise Monitor, a publication of James, Anderson & Associates Inc. (JAA), publishes an article on WISE EARS!® titled "Public Health Awareness Campaign Kick Off!"

Fourth issue of WISE EARS!® News is distributed to coalition members.


July 1999

The WISE EARS!® campaign is launched.

WISE EARS!® radio spots and a press release on noise-induced hearing loss and protecting one's hearing during Fourth of July celebrations are disseminated to the media.

A WISE EARS!® Web page is unveiled that provides information about programs, publications, activities, and other news from coalition members.

Tracking information reveals that 7.3 million Americans have seen the WISE EARS!® Fourth of July release in the newspaper.

Third issue of WISE EARS!® News is distributed to coalition members.


June 1999

Two press releases, WISE EARS!® Warns About Hearing Loss Over the 4th" and "Four Tips for a Hearing Healthy Fourth," are disseminated to the media by WISE EARS!® and the National Campaign for Hearing Health (NCHH), respectively.

WISE EARS!® at the Self Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH) conference, New Orleans, La.


May 1999

Parade Magazine article, "You Don't Have To Lose Your Hearing," focuses on preventing noise-induced hearing loss.


April 1999

Deadline for members to join the WISE EARS!® coalition.

WISE EARS!® thanks its coordinating panel members for accepting a position to serve on the WISE EARS!® coalition panel.

Second issue of WISE EARS!® News is distributed to coalition members.

U.S. News and World Report announces the WISE EARS!® kick-off in an article on noise-induced hearing loss.


March 1999

The WISE EARS!® coordinating panel convenes for the first time.


February 1999

WISE EARS!® logo, coalition, and Fourth of July launch are presented at the plenary session of the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) conference, Atlanta, Ga.

First issue of WISE EARS!® News is distributed to coalition members.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008