NOAA 98-R113

Contact: Gordon Helm               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Sally Yozell has been appointed as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Trustee Representative to the New Bedford Harbor Trustee Council, the director of the National Marine Fisheries Service announced today. Yozell replaces former mayor of New Bedford John Bullard, who left the federal service to accept a fellowship at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

"As NOAA's deputy assistant secretary for oceans and atmosphere, Ms. Yozell will bring a wealth of experience and leadership in environmental stewardship to the Trustee Council," said Rolland Schmitten, director of the fisheries service.

Yozell is a principal policy advisor on matters concerning marine fishery management, environmental research and coastal ecosystem conservation. She is the co-chair of the President's Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force; a member of several other presidential task forces, including the President's South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force and the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Interagency Task Force; and a member of the White House task force on wetlands. She also represents the Department of Commerce as a member on the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation executive board.

Yozell, a native of Massachusetts and former deputy legislative director for Senator John Kerry, understands the complex issues facing the New Bedford Harbor restoration effort.

"I am looking forward to working with the community and other members on the Council to ensure the best decisions are made on restoration projects in a timely and efficient manner," said Yozell. "This is a great time to join the Trustee Council. The Council has recently completed its restoration plan and is beginning implementation of specific projects. Through this partnership effort, we will work to significantly improve the quality of the coastal environment and with it, the quality of life in the Buzzards Bay region."

Schmitten also appointed Jon Rittgers as Yozell's delegate to the Trustee Council. Rittgers is the deputy Northeast regional administrator for the fisheries service and has worked on high-priority habitat and fishery management issues for the past ten years.

"I am certain that the appointment of Ms. Yozell as NOAA Trustee Representative and Mr. Rittgers as her delegate will serve to continue the important work of the Trustee Council in restoring the natural resources of New Bedford Harbor," said Schmitten.

The Trustee Council is responsible for restoring natural resources injured by polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination of New Bedford Harbor and nearby waters of Buzzards Bay.

The Council administers a $23 million fund, derived from settlements with manufacturers that discharged PCBs in New Bedford Harbor. The fund is dedicated solely to the restoration of injured coastal resources and human uses. The Council's restoration plan identifies 11 restoration projects for near-term implementation in New Bedford Harbor and Buzzards Bay, including wetland restoration, conservation land acquisition, endangered species restoration, fish and shellfish restoration, and the restoration of recreational opportunities along the harbor shoreline.

Members of the Council are NOAA, the U.S. Department of Interior and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.