Office of Science
User Access

Calls for Proposals

Users are encouraged to submit proposals in response to specific calls for proposals at defined times of the year, or in response to the Open Call at any time during the year. All proposals are peer reviewed. To submit a proposal, learn about the Proposal Process.

Information follows about the status of Active and Planned Calls for Proposals and Details About the Calls for Proposals, including options for the type of proposal, type of access, and proprietary status. These options are available to optimize scientific impact as well as to facilitate evolution of EMSL facilities and science to address cutting-edge science questions. Previous calls for proposals provide insight about how the research focus at EMSL has evolved over time.

Active and Planned Calls for Proposals

2008 Call for User Proposals

This call closed May 15, 2008. Proposals are currently undergoing review and ranking. Users will be notified in early August whether their proposals has been approved or not.

Open Call for Proposals Proposals not specific to any of the above calls may be submitted at any time under the Open Call for Proposals.

Details About the Calls for Proposals

Each call for proposals has a different focus as well as options to maximize the impact of EMSL research. Users may submit general or partner proposals, acquire standard or rapid access to EMSL resources, and conduct nonproprietary as well as a limited amount of proprietary research.

Call for Proposal Focus

Science Theme Call for Proposals Users are particularly encouraged to submit proposals that fit into major areas of current and growing user activity associated with scientific challenges that address topics of societal importance. To highlight these areas, Science Theme-based calls for proposals are planned to occur at least once a year. Science Theme proposals are valid for one year and may be extended twice for a total period of three years. Some EMSL resources may be principally dedicated to Science Theme proposals.

Computationally Intensive Research EMSL issues a call for Computationally Intensive Research (CIR) proposals (formerly called Computational Grand Challenge Applications) once per year, provided computer time is available. The call includes research applications in biology, chemistry, climate, and subsurface science and is open to all research entities regardless of research funding source. Computer allocations for CIRs are up to three years, with the computer allocation appropriate for the scope of research to be performed.

Capabilities-Based Call for Proposals The EMSL capabilities-based call for proposals generally focuses on capabilities that are not fully subscribed to following allocation to Science Theme call proposals. Proposals in response to this call are valid for one year and can be extended only once for a total open period of two years.

Open Call for Proposals EMSL users may submit general-use proposals at any time. This type of proposal may not be extended and will be valid for only one year. A new proposal will be required each year. However, users may submit to the Open Call to get started and resubmit to the Science Theme call for longer access.

Types of Proposals


Use of existing EMSL resources typically falls into the general use category. General use proposals may be submitted to EMSL at any time throughout the year, and they are evaluated by peer review before research can begin. Proposals may be from individuals or groups who need access to EMSL to carry out their research, using existing equipment at EMSL. The scope of a general use proposal can vary from a single experiment proposal to full project proposal (valid for multiple visits and substantial access to a range of equipment extended over multiple years). Individual and group proposals, including collaborative proposals with EMSL staff, are encouraged.


Partners are individuals or groups who not only carry out research at EMSL, but also have developed an agreement to enhance an existing capability or work with EMSL to develop new capabilities. An objective of the partner program is to facilitate the development of unique capabilities in support of environmental molecular science, which require collaborative multidisciplinary teams, pooled resources, unique operating environments, or other resources that may be beyond those available to individual researchers or many research teams. In addition to an adaptive environment with health and safety support, EMSL can provide capabilities of the Instrument Development Laboratory to assist development, construction and testing of instrumentation, an instrument machine shop, unique opportunities to form collaborative teams with world-leading scientists, and instrument support staff. In return for assistance in instrument development, EMSL partners have priority instrument access for a specified period of time.

Two-page letters of interest in developing a Partner Proposal are used to initiate a discussion with EMSL regarding the potential impact, total potential cost, possible development timing, resources to be shared and partner access requirements. Letters of interest may include some aspects of the need for the capability, approach, potential impact, and likely project teams.

Successful discussion will provide the basis for the submission of a 10-page maximum Partnership Proposal that will be subjected to peer review.

Letters of interest for Partner Proposals may be submitted at any time to

Standard and Rapid Access

Standard Access

Standard access to EMSL facilities can vary from a single visit, single experiment proposal to a full project proposal (valid for multiple visits and substantial access to a range of equipment extended over multiple years). Prior to any performing any work, a proposal must pass peer review. This is the most common mode of access to EMSL capabilities.

Rapid Access

In limited cases, users may need access to EMSL capabilities where rapid turnaround of data is required (e.g., thesis work, project progress, and paper publication or proposal preparation). If approved, a rapid access proposal will be valid for no more than one month of EMSL use. These proposals must clearly justify why rapid access is needed. Work on proposals can be started subject to instrument and resource availability and approval of the Capability Steward. Proposals will undergo internal peer review which will be conducted as work is initiated. However, all other reviews, including those by Environmental Safety & Health and the business office, must be complete before usage can begin. If users need rapid access for research that they may want to continue, they may also submit (possibly at the same time) a standard access proposal.

NonProprietary and Proprietary Research

NonProprietary Research

Research and equipment use at EMSL where the results and information are fully disclosed and disseminated are considered nonproprietary. Authors of nonproprietary proposals may retain rights to intellectual property (IP) resulting from the use of EMSL, but the government is granted a nonexclusive license to use the IP.

Proprietary Research

EMSL facilities can be used for proprietary research. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requires that such work pay full-cost recovery of the facilities used, which includes, but is not limited to, labor, equipment usage, consumables, materials, and EMSL staff travel.

Proposal Opportunities at a Glance

General Information About Proposal Opportunities
Science Theme Computationally Intensive5 Capability-based Call Open Call Standard3 Open Call Rapid
Duration 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 month
Possible Extensions 2 2 1 0 0
Frequency each spring each spring varies continuous continuous
Limits 75,000 node-hours MPP24 2,000,000 node-hours Chinook4 100,000 node-hours Chinook4 75,000 node-hours MPP24 demonstrated immediate need
Can Be Partner1,2 Yes No Yes Yes No
Partner proposals require review and discussion in addition to the normal peer review requirements. No proprietary or partner use of MPP2 is allowed.
Proprietary proposals will be considered under Open Call Standard but require discussions with EMSL Contracts and Business Offices to establish a contract with Battelle to reimburse the DOE for all incurred costs, which include, but are not limited to, labor, equipment usage, consumables, materials, and EMSL staff travel.
MPP2 = 11.8 teraflops HP 1960-Processor Linux Cluster Supercomputer
MPP2 = HP Linux Cluster with 2 single-core processors/node
Chinook = HP Linux Cluster with 2 quad-core processors /node
Formerly Computational Grand-Challenge Call
User Support Office: , 509-371-6003