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Build Bridges with Policy Makers

image of a group of girls interacting with an older man. Zoological Society of San Diego.The Institute invites other federal agencies as well as non-governmental organizations to engage in partnerships and share information across agencies to build community support and bring about positive change in our youth and our communities.

Museum and library practitioners, educators and researchers in the formal and informal learning fields, policy makers, funders, representatives of organizations involved in youth services, and government agencies make up IMLS’s Youth Action Committee.

The committee will meet with grantees selected as case studies, identify criteria for effective practices in IMLS youth grants, provide expertise and commentary from the community that each represents, provide a broader, national context for discussion of IMLS youth grants, and develop a strategy for dissemination of results.

Youth Action Committee Members:

Francie Alexander

John W. Berry

Ginnie Cooper

Alan J. Friedman

Doug Herbert

Deborah Jacobs

Julie I. Johnson

Ioannis N. Miaoulis

Peggy O’Brien

Karen Pittman

Julie Spielberger

Sonnet Takahisa

William J. Tally

Julie A. Walker

William E. (Bill) White

Dennie Palmer Wolf

Nicole Yohalem


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