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NTIA Contact Information and Telephone Roster

Click here for Alphabetical Staff Listing

Building Addresses

Herbert C. Hoover Building (HCHB)
U.S. Department of Commerce / NTIA
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

[ Map from MapQuest ]

U.S. Department of Commerce
325 Broadway
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328
[ Map from MapQuest ]

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information

Dennis J. Amari, Senior Policy Analyst (202) 482-4358
Meredith Attwell Baker, Acting Assistant Secretary (202) 482-1840
Brian Danza, Special Assistant (202) 482-1484
Bart Forbes, Public Affairs Specialist (202) 482-1950
Eairla Hawkins, Secretary (202) 482-1830
Daniel Hurley, Director, CIIAP (202) 482-1157
Geraldine Moody, Secretary (202) 482-1551
David Murray, Senior Advisor (202) 482-1840
Todd Sedmak, Communications Director (202) 482-0019
Helen Shaw, CIIAP (202) 482-2333
James V. Wasilewski, Director, Congressional Affairs (202) 482-1551
Eric T. Werner, Senior Advisor (202) 482-0014
Sheila Williams, Administrative Specialist (202) 482-1840

Office of the Chief Counsel

Josephine Arnold, (202) 482-1816
Milton Brown, Deputy Chief Counsel (202) 482-1816
Stacy Cheney, (202) 482-1816
Teresa Goode, (202) 482-1816
Kathleen Jarmiolowski, (202) 482-1862
Josephine Johnson, (202) 482-1816
Denise Marshall, (202) 482-1030
Kathy Smith, Chief Counsel (202) 482-1816

Office of International Affairs

Fiona Alexander, Associate Administrator (202) 482-1866
Jane Coffin, (202) 482-1087
Vernita Harris, (202) 482-4686
Ashley Heineman, (202) 482-0298
Marilyn Jenkins, (202) 482-1866
Yvonne Neal-Barfield, (202) 482-1866
Suzanne Sene, (202) 482-3167
Christina Speck, (202) 482-1440
Diane Steinour, (202) 482-3180

Office of Policy Analysis and Development

Joseph L. Gattuso, Telecommunications Specialist (202) 482-0977
Tanya M. Holmes, Administrative Assistant (202) 482-1880
Alfred M. Lee, Telecommunications Specialist (202) 482-1878
Maureen A. Lewis, Telecommunications Specialist (202) 482-1892
James W. McConnaughey, Economist (202) 482-3161
Timothy C. Sloan, Telecommunications Specialis (202) 482-1899
Eric R. Stark, Associate Administrator (202) 482-1880

Office of Policy Coordination and Management

Clifton Beck, Chief Financial Officer (202) 482-1056
Lorna Brodsky, (202) 482-2790
Tony Calza, Chief, Management Division (202) 482-2196
Isha Carry, (202) 482-0724
Rebecca Cross, (202) 482-1056
Daniel Foley, (202) 482-1809
Charles Franz, (202) 482-1826
Kathleen Hart, (202) 482-6233
Mary E. Lipscomb, (202) 482-5952
Sandra Ryan, (202) 482-5893
Edward Ryan, (202) 482-3287
Nancy Vernon, Budget Officer (202) 482-1056

Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications

Barbara Brown, (202) 482-4374DSmith@ntia.doc.gov
Lynn Chadwick, (202) 482-8338
William Cooperman, (202) 482-5802
Larry Dyer, 202-482-1762
Francine Jefferson, 202-482-5560
Mary Lou Kenny, (202) 482-9114
Kathie Klass, (202) 482-4728
Bernadette McGuire-Rivera, Associate Administrator (202) 482-5802
Charles J. Mellone, Jr., (202) 482-5802
Ralph Mlaska, 202-482-1764
Laura Pettus, 202-482-4509
Wayne A. Ritchie, (202) 482-5515
Giselle Sanders, (202) 482-7971
Sallianne Schagrin, (202) 482-1885
Robert Sestili, (202) 482-2141
Walter P. Sheppard, (202) 482-1949
Sandra P. Stewart, (202) 482-2246
Anita Wallgren, (202) 482-6266
Anthony Wilhelm, (202) 482-6260

Institute for Telecommunication Sciences

Al Vincent, Director (303) 497-3500
Brian Lane, Executive Officer (303) 497-3484

Office of Spectrum Management

Petya Alexandrova, 202-482-0278
Chris Algiere, 202-482-2484
David Anderson, 202-482-3211
Geri Averytt, 202-482-2521
Joel Babcheck, 202-482-5737
Brian Baker, 202-482-9135
Byron Barker, Chief, Strategic Reform Division 202-482-6207
David Beckstein, 202-482-0487
Phillis Brown, 202-482-1482
Lawrence Brunson, 202-482-0138
Phyllis Bunch, 202-482-4155
Stephen Butcher, (202) 482-4163
Kim Cai, 202-482-1186
Renae Carter, 202-482-6497
Ernesto Cerezo, 202-482-3191
Yu-Sheng Chang, 202-482-4428
Soma Chary, 202-482-5965
Verleanor Cobb, 202-482-3230
Wanda Cooks, 202-482-7975
Brian Costello, 202-482-1164
Joyce Countee-Henry, 202-482-1850
KaTrina Dandie, 202-482-0893
Edward Davison, Deputy Associate Administrator (202) 482-5526
Sam Denis, 202-482-2358
Laura DeVilbiss, 202-482-9108
Edwin Dinkle, 202-482-4800
Kelvin Doan, 202-482-2498
William Doolan, 202-482-2320
Darlene Drazenovich, Chief, International Spectrum Plans and Policy Div 202-482-3480
Edward F. Drocella, (202) 482-2608
Donald Druker, 202-482-2051
Alan Frable, 202-482-1670
Sam Franco, (202) 482-5412
Philip Gawthrop, 202-482-3203
Herschel Gelman, (202) 482-1877
James F. George, (202) 482-2626
Bart Gibbon, 717-339-5560
Charles Glass, 202-482-1896
Margaret Graichen, 202-482-0832
Arthur Gray, 202-482-1646
Jeremy Gray, 202-482-5906
Rob Haines, 202-482-4096
Regina Harrison, 202-482-2695
Patrick Henderson, 202-482-5557
Robert Hite, 202-482-4854
Chris Hofer, 202-482-7983
James Hopkins, 202-482-9131
John Horstman, 202-482-0696
Shang-Hsiu Hsiung, 202-482-2861
Kerry Huba, 202-482-5737
Scott Jackson, 202-482-7977
Kathleen Jarmiolowski, 202-482-1862
Bernard Joiner, 202-482-7885
Edison Juleau, 202-482-1694
Richard Kempton, 202-482-4038
Fred Klauber, 202-482-0784
Richard Klemmer, 202-482-0722
Leon Knight, 202-482-0101
Nathaniel Lane, 202-482-3135
Antonio Lavarello, 202-482-4097
Joon (J.P.) Lee, 202-482-4971
Yunchen Lee, 202-482-9129
Charles Leonard, 202-482-5066
Willie Lewis, 202-482-8055
Steve Litts, 202-482-5989
Robin Loucks, 202-482-5553
Cheryl Mack, 202-482-5971
Regina Mackie, 202-482-7969
Tai Mai, 202-482-4880
Theodore Maisel, 202-482-2987
Darnell Mallory, 202-482-1752
John Martin, Deputy CIO 202-482-5446
Anshu Matalia, 202-482-5214
Frederick Matos, 202-482-6493
Dwight Matthews, 202-482-4038
John McFall, 202-482-1486
Gloria Mitchell, 202-482-4276
William Mitchell, 202-482-8124
Brandon Mitchell, 202-482-4487
Wilfredo Morales, 202-482-9112
Willona Morris, 202-482-5501
Delmon Morrison, 202-482-1680
Paul Najarian, 202-482-2290
Frederick Najmy, 202-482-6099
Margaret Neall, 202-482-4038
Karl Nebbia, Associate Administrator (202) 482-1850
Gale Newton, (202) 482-2626
Diem Nguyen, 202-482-0732
Loan Nguyen, 202-482-6016
Thu Nguyen, 202-482-9118
Richard Nicholson, 202-482-2601
Richard Orsulak, 202-482-9139
Robert Parker, 202-482-0722
Gary Patrick, 202-482-9132
Alakananda Paul, 202-482-0110
Jayson Payne, 202-482-0722
Kevin Pearce, 202-482-4881
Steve Pierce, 202-482-3561
Patrick Poell, 202-482-6245
Cynthia Purvis, 202-482-5737
James Richards, 202-482-6382
Antonio Richardson, 202-482-4156
Eric Rosenberg, 202-482-2527
Marshall Ross, 202-482-1222
Antonio Rouse, 202-482-5043
Eric Ruth, 202-482-4624
Craig Scammon, 202-482-0734
Tamara Severe, 202-482-7967
E. K. Shumway, 202-482-4038
Chad Sivassailam, 202-482-4623
Linda Smith, 202-482-4101
Robert Sole, 202-482-1245
LiChing Sung, 202-482-3485
Binyam Tadesse, 202-482-1693
Leslie Taylor, 202-482-4214
Kenneth Taylor, 202-482-0485
Clement Townsend, 202-482-1028
Cecilia Tucker, 202-482-4575
Timothy Turitto, 202-482-0722
Stephen Veader, 202-482-4417
Jose Verdejo, 202-482-0324
Chuan Wang, 202-482-0838
Cou-Way Wang, 202-482-9136
Caryl Warren, 202-482-7972
Christopher Weiss, 202-482-1317
Yang Weng, 202-482-3612
Marianne Wiler, 202-482-6018
Dick Williams, 202-482-4079
Jonathan Williams, 202-482-0675
Stanley Williams, 202-482-8220
Suzette Williams, 202-482-3012
Aisha Wilson, 202-482-1138
Thomas Woods, 202-482-2802
Clara Yang, 202-482-4107
Sophie Zhao, 202-482-4983
Martin Zhu, 202-482-5181

NTIA Facsimile Numbers

Office of the Assistant Secretary  (202) 501-0536
Office of Congressional Affairs  (202) 501-0536
Office of Public Affairs / Communications  (202) 219-2077
Office of Policy Analysis & Development  (202) 482-6173
Office of the Chief Counsel  (202) 501-8013
Office of International Affairs  (202) 482-1865
Office of Policy Coordination & Management  (202) 482-0979
Office of Spectrum Management  (202) 482-4396
 - Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee Office (202) 482-3790
Office of Telecommunications & Information Applications  (202) 501-8009
 - Technology Opportunities Program (202) 501-5136
 - Public Telecommunications Facilities Program  (202) 482-2156
Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (Boulder, CO) (303) 497-5993

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Refer to Office of Chief Counsel,  (202) 482-1816

E-mail Addresses

E-mail may be sent to any person listed by using the first letter of their first name added to their entire last name, using the format:  flast @ ntia.doc.gov .  For example:  tsmith @ ntia.doc.gov (remove the spaces before sending).


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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230