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Gaye S. Farris, M.A.


Gaye FarrisGaye S. Farris, M.A. 1985. English, University of New Orleans. English, journalism, technical writing, and editing.

Farris, a former journalist, teacher, and technical editor, supervises an integrated information management group of librarians, editors, graphic artists, and outreach specialists to support the information needs of the National Wetlands Research Center. The group uses state-of-the-art technology in gathering, organizing, managing, and disseminating scientific information for the Center's researchers, clients, partners, and the general public. Farris was co-administrator of information research with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette through the Department of Energy. She serves on the USGS Publishing Issues Group and is the Biological Resources Discipline's Publishing Coordinator. Farris has studied with the ULL's writer-in-residence, Ernest Gaines, and is past President of the National Association of Government Communicators, and member of the Society for Technical Communications and the Council of Science Editors.

Farris' NWRC Publications

The following list of publications is current only through 2001. For an update, please go to the online NWRC publications data base ( to search for the bibliographic citations of individual staff members.


LaRoe, E.T., G.S. Farris, C.E. Puckett, P.D. Doran, and M.J. Mac, eds. 1995. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, DC. 530 pp.

Other Peer Reviewed Publications

Farris, G.S. 1991. National Wetlands Research Center presents grant to Saturday Science Academy. Fish and Wildlife News Fall:16.

Farris, G.S. 1998. United States Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center. Pages 170-180 in D.M. McCaughan, editor. Marine resources and history of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Vol. 4, Agencies and organizations: federal, state, local, and private. Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, Jackson.

Farris, G.S., and J.R. Zuboy. 1987. Biological report style manual. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 87(8). 46 pp.

Turnipseed, D.P., G.L. Giese, J.L. Pearman, G.S. Farris, M.D. Krohn, and A.H. Sallenger, Jr. 1998. Hurricane Georges: headwater flooding, storm surge, beach erosion, and habitat destruction on the central gulf coast. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 98-4231.

U.S. Geological Survey (G.S. Farris, editor). 1998. Making a world of difference: recent USGS contributions to the nation. Reston, Va. 32 pp.

Woolington, D., J.B. Johnston, and G.S. Farris. 1986. Habitat loss, degradation, and improvement. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Research Center Open File Report 86-04. 23 pp.

Miscellaneous Publications

Farris, G.S. 1984. World's fair opens, service exhibit a success. Fish and Wildlife News June-July:1, 3.

Farris, G.S. 1989. Wetlands survey goes high-tech. Fish and Wildlife News November-December:20.

Farris, G.S. 1990. Groundbreaking marks beginning for new research facility. Fish and Wildlife News September-October:14.

Farris, G.S. 1992. New center is latest word in wetlands research. Fish and Wildlife News Winter:17, 23.

Farris, G.S. 1993. New resident rediscovers herself here. The Daily Advertiser, Lafayette, LA, February 25 G, 5.

Farris, G.S. 1995. Babbitt goes to bat for NBS. People, Land and Water 2(3).

Farris, G.S. 1996. Caddo Institute and Southern Science Center spark science careers for students. People, Land and Water 3(3):24.

Farris, G.S. 1996. Quiet courage. People, Land and Water March 3(2):15.

Farris, G.S. 1997. National Wetlands Research Center outreach trains earth stewards. People, Land and Water 4(3):14.

Farris, G.S. 1997. National Wetlands Research Center reaches out. People, Land and Water 4(2):13.

Farris, G.S. 1999. Cooking up an environmental solution. People, Land and Water 6(1):14.

Farris, G. 2000. Cogongrass, Chinese tallow tree invade coastal prairie habitats. People, Land and Water 7(5):29.

Farris, G.S. 2001. Groat keynotes coastal marsh forum. People, Land and Water 8(3):34.

Farris, G.S. 2001. Lafayette wetlands center celebrates geography, GIS. People, Land and Water 7(8):19.

Farris, G.S. 2001. Managing data for National Park Service. People, Land and Water 8(3):13.

Farris, G.S. 2001. Nutrias threaten coastal Louisiana. People, Land and Water 8(3):12.

Farris, G.S. 2001. The amazing Graces. People, Land and Water 7(8):16.

Farris, G.S. 2001. USGS technician named homecoming queen. People, Land and Water 7(8):16.

Farris, G. 2000. USFWS, USGS, and partners honored for restoring refuge. Soundwaves 2001 (22): 9.

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