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OSM Seal 2003 Budget Justifications
Following is an index to the Office of Surface Mining 2003 budget justifications released February 4, 2002. This budget document, known as the "Green Book," is available here in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. The Green Book is provided here as a complete report (contained in one file) or by chapters to provide easy downloading. The 2002 budget book is also available.
Complete Report (762 KB -- without GPRA 2003 Plan)
Complete Report (1,102 KB -- with GPRA 2003 Plan) Table of Contents (14 KB)
Organization Chart (6 KB)
Introduction (79 KB)
Environmental Restoration (Abandoned mine land reclamation) (79 KB)
Environmental Protection (Regulation of active mines) (74 KB)
Technology Development and Transfer (155 KB)
Financial Management (54 KB)
Executive Direction and Administration (42 KB)
Budget Exhibits (70 KB)
Authorization (6 KB)
AML Accomplishments (18 KB)
State Information (10 KB)
pdf graphic GPRA Exhibits (342 KB)

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Office of Surface Mining
1951 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240