OSM Seal Comparison of FY 2002 to the
FY 2003 President's Budget
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Requested Funding Level
The Office of Surface Mining's FY 2003 budget request totals $283.6 million in current authority, $70 million in permanent authority, and 637 FTE's. However, included in this amount is $4.2 million to reflect a government-wide legislative proposal to shift the full cost of the government's pension system and employee health benefits program for current employees to their employing agencies. Thus, the Office of Surface Mining's FY 2003 request net of this reform proposal is $279.4 million, a decrease of $27.1 million below the FY 2002 enacted level of $306.5 million.

The Office of Surface Mining's net request for the Regulation and Technology appropriation is for $105.4 million, an increase of $2.3 million over the FY 2002 enacted level. The Office of Surface Mining is requesting a net $1 million increase in State regulatory grants. This is comprised of a $2 million increase for West Virginia offset by a $1 million reduction to other States' grants. The Office of Surface Mining is also requesting $1.3 million for uncontrollable cost increases.

The Office of Surface Mining's net request for the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund is for $174 million, a reduction of $29.4 million from the FY 2002 enacted level. The budget proposes a $17 million reduction for State reclamation grants. It removes a $0.5 million earmark for a grant to Pennsylvania for an acid mine drainage demonstration project. It eliminates $10.9 million in funding for the Federal emergency program; The Office of Surface Mining has sufficient carryover funds to operate the program for FY 2003. The proposal also reduces funding for high priority projects by $1.3 million. The budget identifies savings of $0.2 million in travel costs and $0.1 million in general services efficiencies. It requests $0.6 million for uncontrollable costs.

Additionally, the budget proposes to transfer $2 million in carryover for federal emergencies to state reclamation grants.

Finally, the $70 million request in permanent authority is for a transfer of interest earnings on the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund to the United Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund for health benefits for retired mine workers whose employing companies no longer exist.

This budget proposal also supports the President's Government-wide management reform agenda by:

Summary of 2002 Appropriations and 2003 Budget Changes by Appropriation and Business Line
Figures are in thousands of dollars

Regulation & Technology FY 2002
FY 2003
Environmental Restoration$435$437$2
Environmental Protection77,741 79,1591,418
Technology Development and Transfer12,151 12,593442
Financial Management4774858
Executive Direction12,27112,693422
Appropriation without Leg. Prop.103,075 105,3672,292
CSRS/FEHB Cost2,896 2,731-165
Total, with Leg. Prop.$105,971 $108,098$2,127

Abandoned Mine Reclamation FundFY 2002
FY 2003
Environmental Restoration$186,697 $156,987$-29,710
Environmental Protection000
Technology Development and Transfer4,136 4,16428
Financial Management6,070 6,179109
Executive Direction6,552 6,705153
Total Appropriation203,455 174,035-29,420
CSRS/FEHB Cost1,237 1,459222
Total, with Leg. Prop.$204,692 $175,494$-29,198

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Office of Surface Mining
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