OSM Seal Market-Based
Mine Land Reclamation
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Market-Based Mine Land Reclamation is a packet of fact sheets designed to demonstrate the environmental, economic, and social benefits of reclaiming mined land to a forestry use. The benefits of planting trees has appeal to a wide range of parties including mine operators, utilities, environmental organizations, watershed groups, local communities, land management companies, schools and universities, and wildlife agencies and organizations. The market-based approach maximizes opportunities for partnering among these various groups.
The Fact Sheets below are provided in Adobe Acrobat format.

Adobe Acrobat graphic Cover
Adobe Acrobat graphic The Challenge of Mine Land Reclamation
Adobe Acrobat graphic Mine Land Reforestation - Multiple Benefits
Adobe Acrobat graphic Mine Land Reforestation - Sound Practices
Adobe Acrobat graphic New Revenues from Optimal Mine Land Reclamation - Leveraging the Environmental Marketplace
Adobe Acrobat graphic Ecological Asset Credits from Mine Land Reclamation - Carbon Sequestration
Adobe Acrobat graphic Ecological Asset Credits from Mine Land Reclamation - Water and Habitat
Adobe Acrobat graphic Case Study - Identifying Ecological Asset Value on TXU Mine Lands
Adobe Acrobat graphic Eco-Asset Management - Lessons Learned on Non-Mine Lands

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Office of Surface Mining
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