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Different Timelines for Different Technologies:
Evidence from the Advanced Technology Program

Executive Summary

Case studies of the first completed ATP projects have shown considerable variation in commercialization patterns of ATP-funded technologies. These variations were apparent in the timing of initial revenues, commercialization in more mature and multiple applications, and diffusion of ATP technologies relative to the period of ATP funding of R&D. This study is an effort to address the differences in commercialization patterns for different technologies in a systematic way. It seeks answers to the following questions:

  • How do expected commercialization patterns differ for ATP projects in different technology areas?
  • What factors appear to account for at least some of the differences?
  • To what extent are actual commercialization patterns mapping to plans?

An understanding of technology differences as they affect commercialization is critical to proper evaluation of proposals for ATP project funding and to assessment of performance of individual projects as they unfold. By examining the different commercialization patterns for different technologies within a broader innovation life-cycle framework, we hope to provide a greater understanding of the broader technological and industry environments underlying these patterns. This study demonstrates that in some highly innovative technology areas, important technology differences cause commercialization and impact to happen relatively quickly; however, other technologies require much more time.

ATP’s Business Reporting System (BRS) provides a comprehensive picture of business planning and progress towards commercialization of projects funded since 1993. Over the course of ATP funding, award participants lay out business plans and strategies for different commercial applications of their ATP-funded technologies, provide an expected commercialization timeline, and describe early commercialization activity. Additional surveys track projects into the post-ATP period. Although most projects are still “young” relative to their complete timeline for commercialization and economic impact, they are beginning to generate a body of information about actual commercialization patterns that affords a preliminary comparison of actual commercialization progress with earlier expectations.

This study focuses on business reports from 558 participants in 299 ATP projects funded from 1993 to 1998 that indicated business expectations and strategies for nearly 1,200 commercial applications of their ATP-funded technologies. The study observed the following commercialization patterns:

1. Across all technologies and commercial applications, revenues are expected:

  • for one out of six applications by the end of ATP funding
  • for two out of five applications within a year after ATP funding ends; and
  • for four out of five applications within three years after ATP funding ends.

2. Technology affects timing:

  • Information technology (IT) applications are anticipated to earn revenues very quickly:
    – 28% by the end of ATP funding, and
    – 64% within another year.
  • Materials-chemistry and manufacturing applications are anticipated to be the slowest to earn revenues. These are expected to lag IT by about a year:
    – 8% of materials-chemistry applications are expected to earn revenues by the end of ATP funding and 54% within two years after ATP funding ends, and
    – 12% of manufacturing applications are expected to earn revenues by the end of ATP funding and 57% within two years after ATP funding ends.
  • Early biotechnology applications follow the overall averages in the early years, but there is a noticeable second spurt of activity five or more years out, when regulatory requirements are expected to be met for health-care applications.
  • Electronics applications show a steep rise in activity in the second year of ATP, followed by a rapid fall-off in activity:
    – 71% of electronics applications are expected to earn revenues within two years after ATP funding ends.

3. Expectations about when commercialization and revenues will occur tend to mirror the expected market windows of opportunity.

4. Preliminary assessment of actual commercialization activity compared with expectations shows:

  • More applications had been commercialized by the end of the ATP-funding period than expected—in nearly all technology areas. Many companies introduced first-generation products and services at the earliest opportunity. Higher-volume, higher-value applications would come later.
  • A large portion of the projects that will ultimately achieve commercialization will do so for their initial applications within
    2 to 3 years after ATP.

An innovation life-cycle model provides the framework for examining technology differences for such characteristics as firm size, project structure, commercialization strategy, technological advantage, and availability of capital that contribute to differences in commercialization patterns. Many economists have published evolutionary models. Our adaptation follows most closely J. M. Utterback, Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation: How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in the Face of Technological Change (1994) and extensions to collaborative R&D in N. S. Vonortas, Cooperation in Research and Development (1997).

The following is a summary of findings:

  • Information technologies and biotechnologies support a host of “new-to-the-world” applications in a number of industries, and they support formation of new industries.

    • Information technologies enter the market quickly. This is consistent with the rapid pace of the early phase of the innovation life cycle. In that phase, small firms compete to open and capture new markets, and barriers to market entry are relatively low. Service applications can offer a mechanism for fast, initial market entry to end users in many industries, a primary mechanism for technology advancement in mature manufacturing industries, and a permanent strategy for addressing newer sectors such as health care and telecommunications.

    • Biotechnology projects have a number of early opportunities for service applications (for instance, research and testing services) that are useful for market conditioning and validation even if these applications do not generate large cash flows. Economic impact from applications for therapeutic markets may be anticipated only in the longer run. For many health-care applications, regulatory requirements prohibit fast market entry. The market is expected to remain open for major applications for more than five years after ATP funding ends.

    • Innovation focuses on achieving basic functionality and performance of new-to-the-world products.

    • Investment capital flow suggests investors envision the broad future potential of the markets expected to emerge.

    • The precise nature of the larger markets and distribution mechanisms is still blurred.

    • Technology-based competition is keen, and dominance changes rapidly in new/emerging markets.

  • Manufacturing and materials-chemistry projects more typically are developing new process technologies for existing classes of products in mature, commodity-oriented industries. However, manufacturing technologies and materials-chemistry technologies commercialize slowly. Opportunities are expected to peak about two years after ATP funding ends and then to decline relatively slowly compared with other technologies.
    • The focus is on manufacturability and cost to gain advantage in cents-per-pound, high-volume markets, as well as on higher performance products.
    • Capital investment and validation requirements are costly and lengthy. Financing is typically from retained earnings.

    • Product life cycles and market windows are longer than for IT or electronics projects. Technological change occurs more slowly than in new product areas, particularly for commodity types of products.

    • Joint ventures are an important vehicle for sharing risks and technological uncertainties, particularly in addressing interdisciplinary issues, for instance in areas where different technologies converge, such as information technology, electronics, and/or manufacturing.

  • Electronics (and related materials) projects tend to involve a mix of new and established firms in transitional, rapid-growth stages of innovation and company and industry development.
    • Product applications are more common than process applications.

    • Cost and manufacturability are critical objectives.

    • Electronics product markets are extremely competitive; product life cycles are short; and capital requirements for high-volume production remain steep barriers to market entry.

    • Nearly three-fourths of applications are expected to earn revenues within two years after ATP funding ends. After two years, windows of market opportunity are expected to diminish quickly.

Both expected and actual commercialization patterns observed in ATP projects appear consistent with the innovation life-cycle framework. This study suggests that this framework may prove useful in the future for assessing the credibility of business plans in ATP project proposals from different technology areas, and for assessing the economic performance of funded projects. Further work and additional data for the post-ATP period are needed to examine actual commercialization patterns over the long run.

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Date created: March 4, 2003
Last updated: April 12, 2005

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