NOAA 2000-133
Contact: Gordon Helm


NOAA Administrator Dr. D. James Baker announced today that Dr. Bill Hogarth, who heads NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast region, will assume the number two position at the agency. Hogarth replaces Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, who will leave NOAA Fisheries to become Dean of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture at the University of New Hampshire.

"We're very pleased to welcome Bill Hogarth to NOAA Fisheries headquarters. He has served NOAA well in several capacities and his expertise will be critical to us, " Baker said.

A Virginia native, Dr. Bill Hogarth comes to the deputy director's position with a wealth of knowledge about marine issues along both coasts. For the past year, he has managed the agency's Southeast region, where he has been working with fishermen and the management councils to rebuild Gulf of Mexico red snapper, a popular game fish and seafood. He oversaw the use of bycatch reduction devices in shrimp trawl nets to reduce the incidental catch of juvenile red snapper. Previously, Hogarth was the southwest region administrator, where he dealt with a variety of national and international issues, including listing of salmon under the Endangered Species Act and working to improve protections for dolphins during tuna fishing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Hogarth also coordinated NOAA Fisheries' intergovernmental and recreational fisheries programs, was chief of the highly migratory species management division, and was director of marine fisheries for the state of North Carolina for more than eight years.

"During his tenure at NOAA Fisheries, Bill has proven that he can deal with any tough fish problem that we throw at him - from saving Pacific salmon habitat to rebuilding Gulf Red Snapper," said Penny Dalton, NOAA Fisheries director. "He's the right person for the job, and we're excited that he's agreed to accept it."

Hogarth will assume the deputy director's position beginning August 1.

"It's difficult to leave the Southeast region, a lifetime management goal of mine, and also difficult to follow in the footsteps of Andy, who I believe is one of the best scientists in fisheries management," said Hogarth. "We've made tremendous strides in protecting marine resources in the Southeast region, through the hard work of an excellent staff, and with the cooperation of resource users, the three fishery management councils, state directors and the two state commissions. I plan to apply the knowledge and experience I've gained to my new position at headquarters. Working together we can accomplish a great deal."

Carol Ballew, deputy regional administrator, will temporarily take over management of the Southeast region.

Rosenberg served as the agency's deputy director since July 1998. He has worked in various areas of the NOAA Fisheries since 1992, as both researcher and administrator. Rosenberg leaves the agency on August 1, 2000.

The National Marine Fisheries Service is an agency of the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, dedicated to protecting and preserving the nation's ocean wildlife through scientific research, fisheries management, habitat conservation, and enforcement of federal wildlife law.