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Regulations and Assessments

Instructions for Commenting on APHIS Dockets


Each APHIS document published in the Federal Register contains instructions for submitting comments under the heading ADDRESSES.

Generally speaking, you may submit comments on by either of the following methods:

Federal eRulemaking Portal
Go to http://www.regulations.gov, select "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" from the agency drop-down menu, then click "Submit."  In the Docket ID column, click on the Docket ID number for the APHIS docket you are interested in; from there, you can submit or view public comments and view supporting and related materials available electronically. 

Information on using Regulations.gov, including instructions for accessing documents, submitting comments, and viewing the docket after the close of the comment period, is available through the site's "User Tips" link.

Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery
Send four copies of your comment (an original and three copies) to Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station 3A-03.8, 4700 River Road Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-1238.  On the outer envelope and in the text of your comment, please provide the APHIS docket number that appears at the beginning of the Federal Register document that you are commenting on.

Reading Room
You may read the comments that we receive on APHIS dockets in our reading room. The reading room is located in room 1141 of the USDA South Building, 14th Street and Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC, at the Independence Ave. exit of the Smithsonian Metro station. Normal reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. To be sure someone is there to help you, please call (202) 690-2817 before coming.

Last Modified: January 29, 2007