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Wireless Communications and Radio Spectrum Policy

As the President's principal adviser on telecommunications policy issues, NTIA's proposes and analyzes Administration policy on a wide variety of issues regarding wireless communications and radio spectrum matters. NTIA's Office of Spectrum Management is responsible for the management of spectrum used by Federal Government agencies and related spectrum policy. The Office of Policy Analysis and Development may address the regulatory, economic, and commercial aspects of non-federal as well as federal spectrum use, regarding such matters as commercial mobile (cellular) telecommunications, broadcast spectrum, private radio, or Wi-Fi and other license exempt spectrum uses.

Introduction to the Radio Frequency Spectrum

The term "radio frequency spectrum" (or simply, "spectrum") describes a range of frequencies of electromagnetic waves used for communication and other purposes, such as radar. The radio spectrum is a part of everyone's daily lives, whether they think about it or not. It provides a basis for a wide and diverse range of services and industries, including broadcasting, cellular telephones, wireless Internet connections, paging, radar, navigation, air traffic control, microwave services, satellites, and even garage door openers. Spectrum is crucial to the work of police and fire departments, it is essential to air and ground transportation systems, and, as important as any of these, it is used by the military for everything from two-way radios to precision guided weapons to radars.

Spectrum management involves "allocation" and "assignment" of spectrum. An allocation describes use (e.g., broadcasting, fixed, mobile, etc.); allocations are made internationally and domestically. An assignment authorizes a person to use a discrete radio frequency channel under specified conditions.

Under the Communications Act of 1934, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses spectrum use within the United States by all parties except Federal Government agencies. NTIA, through its Office of Spectrum Management, assigns frequencies to Federal Government spectrum users under authority delegated from the President, through the Secretary of Commerce. Federal agencies are represented to NTIA through the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), which advises NTIA. In addition, by statute, NTIA acts as the President's principal adviser on telecommunications policies generally, and must develop, in cooperation with the FCC, a long-range plan for management of the spectrum.

The United States Department of Commerce, of which NTIA is a part, has a long history of involvement in radio regulation. Under the Radio Act of 1912, the Department of Commerce issued licenses for commercial radio use. The Radio Act of 1927 established the independent Radio Federal Commission and the basic structure of radio regulation that was carried into the Communications Act of 1934 and the Federal Communications Commission.

Presidential Spectrum Reform Initiative

Events and Conferences
  • Improving Spectrum Management through Economic or Other Incentives: NTIA sponsored a workshop on Improving Spectrum Management through Economic or Other Incentives on February 28 - March 1, 2006 at the National Academy of Sciences. The workshop elicited views and proposals regarding the use of economic or other incentives to increase spectrum management efficiency. Session topics included spectrum valuation, righst and secondary markets, sharing and fees
    Draft agenda [ -- HTML -- Acrobat PDF -- ]

  • Public Events: As part of the spectrum initiative, NTIA organized a series of public events in Washington D.C. and Santa Clara, California.

  • Wireless Innovations Showcase and Conference: In May 2003, NTIA, in cooperation with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the U.S. Department of State's Office of International Communications and Information Policy (CIP), hosted a two-day Wireless Innovations Conference. The first day was a technology showcase organized by the FCC, attended by Commerce Secretary Don Evans, Ambassador Janice Obuchowski, FCC Chairman Michael Powell, and Assistant Secretary Nancy Victory among others. This showcase included live demonstrations of cutting edge wireless technologies and applications for policy makers and members of the public. The second day featured panel discussions among key policy makers, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, and experts from government and academia. Discussions centered on such topics as the current market for Wi-Fi and other unlicensed services, security and privacy issues, spectrum and related issues, and international issues.

  • NTIA Spectrum Summit: In April 2002, NTIA held a two-day Spectrum Summit in order to identify the best solutions to challenges posed by management of the nation's airwaves. In a number of open discussions, panelists and attendees addressed issues including spectrum allocation and efficiency, the spectrum requirements of new technologies, and regulatory processes. This summit represented a key step through which NTIA, the Federal Communications Commission and federal agencies began working together to make spectrum management processes more effective.


For Further Information

For more information contact:

Joe Gattuso, jgattuso@ntia.doc.gov

National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St. & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 4725
Washington, D.C. 20230
Voice: (202) 482-1880 · Fax: (202) 482-6173

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230