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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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 Voter Data
Voter data is provided for governmental and election campaign purposes only. All other use is strictly prohibited and caries stiff penalties for misuse. 
Voter data may only be obtained by representatives of government agencies, candidates seeking office, and representatives of candidates who are working on their campaign. 
Ordering voter record files may be done by qualified individuals by calling the Bureau of Elections section of the County Clerk's Office at 505-468-1291.*  However,The transfer of voter record files MUST be done in-person at the Bureau of Elections section of the County Clerk’s Office. Qualified individuals who will be receiving voter data must sign an affidavit as to their intended use before the transferal of voter record files. 
We are located on the 6th floor of:
1 Civic Plaza NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102-9854
Voter Data Fee Schedule
  • Voter Data Records as an electronic data file is $4.00 per 1,000 voter data records
  • Voter Data Records as a Hardcopy is $1.00 first record, $0.25 for each additional entry

Electronic voter data files are “raw” and require the appropriate data management software to read - which the county does not provide.   
Note for individuals who use Microsoft Excel: Excel is not ideally suited for handling large amounts of voter data records and can only handle 65,536 rows by 256 columns of information. Individuals seeking to use excel to read the electronic voter record files larger than this are strongly urged to use other software or “batch” the records they are seeking to be smaller than this size limit. The County makes no guarantees as to the reliability of Excel in reading the voter record data-file; nor is responsible for any resulting hardware/software issues that may or may not occur.
*Please allow 3 business days for your order(s) to be processed