Geophysical Fluid
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gfdl's home page > gfdl on-line bibliography > 1996: Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(C5), 12,177-12,191

Modeling the diurnal cycle of carbon monoxide: Sensitivity to physics, chemistry, biology, and optics

Gnanadesikan, A., 1996: Modeling the diurnal cycle of carbon monoxide: Sensitivity to physics, chemistry, biology, and optics. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(C5), 12,177-12,191
Abstract: As carbon monoxide within the oceanic surface layer is produced by solar radiation, diluted by mixing, consumed by biota, and outgassed to the atmosphere, it exhibits a diurnal cycle. The effect of dilution and mixing on this cycle is examined using a simple model for production and consumption coupled to three different mixed layer models. The magnitude and timing of the peak concentration, the magnitude of the average concentration, and the air-sea flux are considered. The models are run through a range of heating and wind stress and compared to experimental data reported by Kettle [1994]. The key to the dynamics is the relative size of four length scales; D mix, the depth to which mixing occurs over the consumption time; L, the length scale over which production occurs; L out, the depth to which the mixed layer is ventilated over the consumption time; and L comp, the depth to which the diurnal production can maintain a concentration in equilibrium with the atmosphere. If Dmix >> L, the actual model parameterization can be important. If the mixed layer is maintained by turbulent diffusion, Dmix can be substantially less than the mixed layer depth. If the mixed layer is parameterized as a homogeneous slab, Dmix is equivalent to the mixed layer depth. If Dmix > Lout. production is balanced by consumption rather than outgassing. The ratio between Dmix and Lcomp determines whether the ocean is a source or a sink for CO. The main thermocline depth H sets an upper limit for Dmix and hence Dmix/L,Dmix/Lout and Dmix/Lcomp. The models are run to simulate a single day of observations. The mixing parameterization is shown to be very important, with a model which mixes using small-scale diffusion producing markedly larger surface concentrations than models which homogenize the mixed layer completely and instantaneously.
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last modified: March 23 2004.