Rare Book Collection collageThe rare book collection includes books believed to have been acquired during the 1930s by the small group of individuals who worked for Mr. William Friedman. The books are not codebooks in themselves but are texts that elaborate on the science of cryptography. During the 1930s, American cryptology was being reborn after the 1929 closing of Herbert Yardley's Black Chamber in New York City. Those coming into the field learned the business from the ground up, hence the need to study even ancient texts on the subject.

The collection includes an extremely rare copy of the first book ever written in the Western world on the subject of cryptology, Polygraphiae by Johannes Trithemius. Although an abbot, some believed his works on steganography and cryptology were inspired by demonic influences, an accusation he denied but didn't fight. Because of the controversial matter, Polygraphiae was not published until 1518, two years after his death.

Picture of a Rare Book from the exhibitOther books in the museum collection date back to the 16th century as well and many include notes made in the margins by the students using them in the 20th century. Some in the collection also have date-due cards in them, as they were part of NSA's library collection for a time. Not every book in the museum's collection is on display. Others can be found in the National Cryptologic Museum Library which is open to the public for research.

Related Links:

Rare Books in the National Cryptologic Museum
Museum Library