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Uterine Fibroids
What are uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are the most common, non-cancerous tumors in women of childbearing age.  The fibroids are made of muscle cells and other tissues that grow within and around the wall of the uterus.

View a diagram that shows where uterine fibroids may grow.

Who is at risk for uterine fibroids?
There are several risk factors for uterine fibroids:
  • African American woman are at three- to five-times greater risk than white women for fibroids.
  • Women who are overweight or obese for their height are at greater risk.
  • Women who have given birth are a lower risk.
What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?
Many women with uterine fibroids have no symptoms.  Symptoms of uterine fibroids can include:
  • Heavy or painful periods, or bleeding between periods
  • Feeling “full” in the lower abdomen
  • Urinating often
  • Pain during sex
  • Lower back pain
  • Reproductive problems, such as infertility, multiple miscarriages, or early labor

Most women with fibroids do no have problems with fertility and can get pregnant. Some women with fibroids may not be able to get pregnant naturally.  But advances in treatments for infertility may help some of these women get pregnant.

    What are the treatments for fibroids?
    If you have uterine fibroids, but show no symptoms, you many not need any treatment.

    Women who have pain and other symptoms might benefit from these treatments:

    • Medications can offer relief from the symptoms of fibroids and even slow or stop their growth.  But, once you stop taking the medicine, the fibroids often grow back.
    • There are several types of fibroid surgery:
      • Myomectomy – Removes only the fibroids and leaves the healthy areas of the uterus in place
      • Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE) – Cuts off the blood supply to the uterus and fibroids, making them shrink
      • Hysterectomy - A more major procedure that removes the uterus; this type of surgery is the only sure way to cure fibroids.

      For more details about treatments for fibroids, see the What are the treatments for uterine fibroids? section of the NICHD publication about uterine fibroids.

      Where can I get more information about uterine fibroids?
      For More Information:
      Clinical Trials
      News Releases
      Web Sites
      Contact Information:
      NICHD Information Resource Center
      P.O. Box 3006
      Rockville, MD 20847
      Phone: 1-800-370-2943
      Fax: 301-984-1473