Report Title:

UH; Scholarship Programs



Establishes the Senator Hiram L. Fong and Senator Oren E. Long scholarship programs and endowment trusts, which are to be administered by the University of Hawaii.  (HB1529 CD1)



H.B. NO.



H.D. 2


S.D. 2


C.D. 1












     SECTION 1.  The Senator Hiram L. Fong commission established by the legislature through Act 117, Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, found that Senator Fong's public service of over thirty years was distinguished by his ability to bridge partisan and ethnic lines.  Senator Fong championed civil rights, labor rights, and immigration reform.  He helped pass the Little Wager Act, which gave Hawaii's agricultural workers who were not covered under the federal Wagner Act, the right to unionize.  Senator Fong was also a firm believer in the free market and the virtues of personal responsibility and self-reliance.

     The commission also found that Senator Fong's legislative accomplishments were the result of collaboration and cooperation from his democratic colleagues, particularly Hawaii's other United States senator, Oren E. Long, and United States Senate majority leader, Lyndon Johnson.  Federal legislation to establish the East-West Center was introduced by Senator Oren E. Long and its ultimate success is due in large part to his and Senator Hiram L. Fong's leadership and collaboration.

     The commission recommended that the legislature establish the Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship at the University of Hawaii.  The commission also suggested that Senator Oren E. Long be honored for his forty-one years of public service, which included service as superintendent of public instruction for twelve years, secretary of the territory of Hawaii, governor of Hawaii, and United States Senator.

     The purpose of this Act is to establish two scholarship programs--one in honor of Senator Hiram L. Fong and the other in honor of Senator Oren E. Long--to be administered by the University of Hawaii, with proceeds from endowment trusts that shall receive initial funding by appropriations out of the general revenues of the State.

     The legislature finds and declares that the appropriations under this Act are in the best interest of the public in helping to provide public higher education assistance opportunities.

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 304A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§304A-    The Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship program; endowment trust.  (a)  There is established the Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship program to be administered by the university with proceeds from an endowment trust that shall receive its initial funding by an appropriation out of the general revenues of the State.  The program shall provide financial support to students enrolled at any campus of the university.

     (b)  Awards shall be granted annually to one female student and one male student who:

     (1)  Are graduates of a public high school in the State;

     (2)  Are upperclassmen at the university;

     (3)  Submit winning essays to the board of regents on the senator's contributions to Hawaii;

     (4)  Have a demonstrated commitment to local community issues, as shown by volunteer work and participation in community organizations; and

     (5)  Have a demonstrated interest and knowledge of the history of immigration to Hawaii.

     (c)  The amount to be awarded to a student shall be determined by the board of regents with due regard to the total amount of funds available for the program.  The award that a student receives under this program may be used to:

     (1)  Pay for the costs of tuition and fees for a single academic year;

     (2)  Pay for the costs of textbooks and other instructional materials for a single academic year;

     (3)  Pay for the costs of room and board at a dormitory or apartment maintained by the university for a single academic year; or

     (4)  Defray the difference between student need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and the total cost of attendance for a single academic year.

     (d)  The board of regents shall adopt rules to implement the Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship program.  The rules shall be adopted pursuant to chapter 91 but shall be exempt from the public notice and public hearing requirements.

     (e)  The scholarship program shall be funded with proceeds from an endowment trust established with initial funding by an appropriation out of the general revenues of the State and shall be administered by the board of regents for the purposes of supporting the Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship program.

     §304A-    The Senator Oren E. Long scholarship program; endowment trust.  (a)  There is established the Senator Oren E. Long scholarship program to be administered by the university with proceeds from an endowment trust that shall receive its initial funding by an appropriation out of the general revenues of the State.  The program shall provide financial support to students enrolled at any campus of the university.

     (b)  Awards shall be granted annually to one female student and one male student who:

     (1)  Are graduates of a public high school in the State;

     (2)  Are upperclassmen at the university; and

     (3)  Submit winning essays to the board of regents on the senator's contributions to Hawaii.

     (c)  The amount to be awarded to a student shall be determined by the board of regents with due regard to the total amount of funds available for the program.  The award that a student receives under this program may be used to:

     (1)  Pay for the costs of tuition and fees for a single academic year;

     (2)  Pay for the costs of textbooks and other instructional materials for a single academic year;

     (3)  Pay for the costs of room and board at a dormitory or apartment maintained by the university for a single academic year; or

     (4)  Defray the difference between student need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and the total cost of attendance for a single academic year.

     (d)  The board of regents shall adopt rules to implement the Senator Oren E. Long scholarship program.  The rules shall be adopted pursuant to chapter 91 but shall be exempt from the public notice and public hearing requirements.

     (e)  The scholarship program shall be funded with proceeds from an endowment trust established with initial funding by an appropriation out of the general revenues of the State and shall be administered by the board of regents for the purposes of supporting the Senator Oren E. Long scholarship program."

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $50,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008 for the University of Hawaii to establish an endowment trust with an appropriate financial institution, the proceeds from which shall fund the Senator Hiram L. Fong scholarship; provided that the University of Hawaii shall administer the scholarship in accordance with the report of November 17, 2005, submitted to the legislature from the Senator Hiram L. Fong commission.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $50,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2007-2008 for the University of Hawaii to establish an endowment trust with an appropriate financial institution, the proceeds from which shall fund the Senator Oren E. Long scholarship; provided that the University of Hawaii shall administer the scholarship.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the University of Hawaii for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 5.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 6.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.